Tuesday, 29 June 2010

screw this weather

Can't do any painting. Can water down paint until it's almost water, and it still dries before the brush gets to the model even. Tried to some ink washing, and the ink wouldn't spread. Somewhat need to some drastic fixing on my psyker squad. The whole "wash with brown on their robes thing" has gone drastically wrong.

Bring back the snow!!

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Not entirely finished, and unbased but here be my treacherous little skaven grey seer,

He is in desperate need of varnish. I wash all my metal/resin minis to help the undercoat stay on, but it's made no difference to this one. Just flakes off whenever it's touched.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

it's called progress

Several weeks of on/off painting has resulted in...

One plague monk. Just a test really to see if dirty white worked, and it does. Not got any more spray to undercoat his 29 mates though

One plague priest.

One infantry squad. Puts me up to 4 whole platoon squads, omg.

One Astropath. Easiest model to paint ever. Seriously.

One skaven clanrat unit. Looks ok I guess. They are supposed to have shields, which I also painted, but no glue - so no shields for them. I'm hoping that when they get the shields it improves them in some way. They look odd to me. Too much space between them.

Anyway, now out of undercoat spray, glue and worst of all bestial brown (does fur and is used for basing") and boltgun metal. Guess thats the end of this particular pastime.