Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Life span of spikey bits

Valkyrie nose sensor anttaenae thing - 20 minutes. Broke during assembly

Still at least it will match the other one, that broke and went awol some time ago.

Friday, 18 November 2011

list building

Company command
4 sniper rifles, camo cloaks.
Commander has a power weapon
Master of ordnance
Officer of the fleet
Sits in cover, and takes pot shots. MoO is pretty useless, but meh. One day he will get a kill. Officer of the fleet is a given. Tempted to find points for Creed. Giving things scout is fun, Out flanking Demolisher cannons? Turn one setting fire to things? yes please. Maybe a tad expensive just for scout though. And being as everything is in a box, I won't find much use for the 4 orders.

Guardsman Marbo
Just because

Vet Squad
Sergeant Bastonne, 3 meltas and shotguns
Rides the Valkyrie and kill something. Bastonne is there to make sure they get it it done. But 3 melta's generally do their job. Wonder if he's actually worth it. Shotguns for lols.

Infantry Platoon
Command with 3 plasma, Hby bolter/Hvy Bolter Chimera
3 squads with grenade Launcher, Autocannon and stock Chimeras
Sit on objectives, shoot everything they have at something. Something may die.

Hellhound, Hull heavy bolter

Valkyrie, multilaser + rocket pods, Sponsons.
Sponsons are a waste, /shrug. Mine has them and wysiwyg. Vets sit in this and go off to die, hopefully take something with them. I've had good luck with the Valkyrie actually surviving battles, though generally grounded. vendetta's are better, but are a fire magnet. And you can't generally hide these things.

Leman Russ, Hull Hvy Bolter, Hvy Bolter sponsons.

Leman Russ Demolisher, Lascannon, Plasma Sponsons

Boom boom boom.

1745 points

Pretty much the same army I've always run and lost with. Though I don't have a manticore and have never used one. 4 turns of Strength 10 large blasts though, Winning unit. I guess I need practice.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Things I want

A Blood Angels army. Librarian, honor guard, 3 priests, 3 assault squads, Vanguard vets. All with jump packs, whee.
A flesh tearers army. Not too sure, but has to include da man, Gabriel Seth. And a couple of stormravens. Some death company, because nothing says crazed murderers like DC. Even if Rage sucks.
I've mentioned in various places my Skaven needs.

And now a space marine army. Pedro, some Sternguard, Some assault terminators with added flamestorm cannons and the regular bodies to fill in the troops.

Someone give me money.