Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reinforcements have arrived!!

My DV box turned up today (finally)

Stunning chaos minis.  The DA chars are cool. The tactical marines have scuplted symbols which sort of blend into the shoulderpad rims.

Sadly my captain has a broken wing on his helm that snapped off when clipping the helm from the sprue.  Way too solid a join on a flimsy part.

Looking forward to adding some marine ally goodness to my guard.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Ooh FAQ's

so things i took note of as it affects me.

Valkyries/Vendettas received the same clarification as the BA stormraven.  you can get out if you move over 6".  would of been nice if they added specifically if you could get out if zooming.  it then goes on in the rulebook faq that you you can use the rule to get out of a locked velocity flyer.  which only happens if zooming.  So by that we can infer that you can get out a zooming valkyrie/stormraven, hurray.

If you get out a shaken/stunned transport, you are still shaken in your next shooting phase, neat.

Leman Russ are Heavy vehicles.  All the ones with ordnance are worse than they were under 5th.  Everything else is unnaffected. Meh.

Also if your transport is destroyed, unless it was an assault vehicle, you cannot assault in your next assault phase.  So if I blow up your rhino with my melta squad, I'm safe from assault for a turn  thats nice.

An Aegis line has to be in one uninterupted line :(

Interestingly the Guard faq says the scout rule on the valkyrie has no effect...but what about outflanking? bad gw.  And they didn't remove scout from it.  This is super sloppy.

Also a change that hasn't affected me at all, paladins, nob squads and wolf guard units are no lomger characters!  But ones that are leading units are, as it should be.

Some other notes.

Mawlocs are not mega sharks.  they cannot burst out the ground and eat planes.

Banshee now have power swords.  At least axes made them a viable suicide unit vs 2+ armour.

Can shoot flying monsters down with markerlights, thats funny.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Vs Ogre Kingdoms

So i took my currently standard list of Grey Seer, Battle standard, Engineer with rocket, 34 clanrats with full command, 2 units of slaves with musicians, 6 gutter runners, Doomwheel and warplightning cannon.

Against ogre kingdoms, which to memory had 2 units of 3 yhetees, 2 units of 6 bulls, a level 3 butcher and 3 mournfag cavalry.

I won turn one, and didn't do much.   Put a wound on a ogre with the warp lightning cannon.  Doomwheel managed to restrain itself from shooting some slaves.  Skitterleaped my engineer over to the ogre flank and did 2 wounds with it.  Ogres advanced, with no shooting and no magic.

Turn 2 wither was dispelled and failed to cast plague.  manauvered some units to try and block charges, which didn't quite work.  Doomwheel shot at a Yehtee unit, killing two of them with str 8 shots, they panicked and fled into the path of one of the bull units, but later rallied.  The Butchers unit attempted to charge my slaves, but failed.  The other yehtee unit charged my clanrat block, killing 3 of them, and knocking two wounds of my grey seer.   I was able to win combat however, but wasn't able to catch them.

Turn 3 I reformed a slave unit to face the mournfangs on my flank charged my slaves into the butcher unit, and the doomwheel hit the same ogre unit in the flank.  Was able to kill all except the butcher and one ogre, who lost combat and fled, pursued by the doomwheel, which made contact with the other ogre bulls.  next turn it won vs the ogres and they were run down.  The lone yehtee survivor from doomwheel incident charged my clanrats killing my grey seer, and was slain in turn.  Mournfangs made contact with the slaves, butchering them and they fled.

Game was called there.  It was three mournfangs vs nearly all my army.  odds are I couldn't of done much vs the cavalry.  but on the other and would taken a lot for them to catch all my units.

Grey seer not really worth it vs ogres.  He's fragile, and the spells are a bit hit and miss vs ogres. A warlord would be a much sturdier general. and try to win by numbers.

Doomwheel was an absolute star, it's shooting attack does d6 wounds, which is golden vs ogres.

Also apparently going by some stats floating around, I'M SECOND!!   mind you it's only been going two weeks, which has me at 2 wins one loss I guess.