Thursday, 16 January 2014

Eldritch Horror

Think I've fallen out of favor with it.

It has so many improvements over Arkham, more refined if you will.  It's less drawn out.  Money is gone, the skill sliders have gone.  The reckoning effect is superior to the old upkeep phase.  The fact every card, even if they are the same spell/condition whatever. has slightly different effects.  It just so good.

But Arkham is and always be amazing.

And after last week, I don't know if I ever want to play EH again.  It all came down to the group getting copies of plumb the void (maybe it's actual name)  Which was just rampant teleporting of everyone around the globe.  Severely broke the game.  I have no doubt there are other ways to break it.

Sad.  Still Arkham is available still.  So yay to that.

And not EH related (but it's FFG still!), but got an X-wing tourney on Saturday.  Looking forward to that.  And since I no longer have my weekend job, might get some gametime Sunday.  Although it will prob be magic dominated so will end up hating it again.