So pack 4 of 6 from the warlords Cycle.
Not played with much of these so completely baseless opinions inc
Old Zogwort
This is going to be slightly unfair. I have no doubt that someone somewhere is totally wrecking house with Zogwort. But I am just not seeing it. You do get a LOT of snotlings from his Signature squad, but they are 1/1's They are rubbish. And then he kills them all. Not that that matters much, since it's after combat ends. But still, he has a ramp up time to hit any sort of critical mass every single combat which I don't think is good at all. On the other hand, you are getting free stuff for doing stuff you are already doing. Agh I do need to play a Zogwort deck but as I see it - 1/5
Zogwort's Runtherders
3 cost is too much for a 1/3/1. They do generate snotlings, and since it's an interrupt you get the snotling even if they die from the damage. Fairly nifty with Ork Kannons though. The drawback of hitting your own guys is much reduced when you get something from it. 3/5
Zogwort's Hovel
More snotlings yay. I'm going to have to play a game with Zogwort to see if it is at all worth it. 1/5
Wyrdboy Stikk
Has some nifty uses, after a snotling dies, you can exhaust this attachment to get another. And it appears at ANY planet. Shenanigans ensue 3/5
Launch Da Snots
Ah a good card from this godawful warlord. Gives an Ork +atk equal the number of snotlings at the planet. The problem is the aforementioned ramp up time with generating snotlings. 4/5 for assassination potential alone.
Blood Claw Pack
Honestly didn't expect to see another Space Wolf this cycle, but here is one. If the enemy warlord dares to go to the same planet as these, you get a Space Wolf from hand into play...for free. Probably not quite enough Space Wolves yet to make them viable, but Ragnar being the warlord hunting beast he is...ouch. 4/5
Rally the Charge
+atk equal to your command icons. has potential to get silly. Deathwing and Land Raiders become 6 attack, 8 if promoted, Iron Hand Techmarines is potentially double figures. thing is Space Marines already have the amazing events that are indomitable and Drop Pod Assault and just can't see replacing them for this. 3/5
Secluded Apothecarion
Lets face it, All units, even Space Marines, die in this game. This lets you get a resource back if they do. Makes the pain a little more bearable. Funny as hell with Eager Recruits and Holy Sepulchre Recursion. The little guys go back to your hand and paid for themselves doing so.
Steel Legion Chimera
Imperial Guard are the winners this pack by far. Only works versus attacks, so doing little to save you from Zarathur but it prevents 1 damage dealt to non vehicles you control. Combine with the likes of Bodyguard, Rockcrete Bunker and your little expendable dudes aren't dieing unless you want them to do. And only 3 cost, bonkers 5/5
Tallarn Raiders
Tallarn desert raiders are experts at Guerilla Warfare and hit and run...why then do they not have Mobile? Anyway these are the IG warlord groupie. Already good at cost 1 with a command, they also become 2/2's when with a warlord. Very good 4/5
Staging Ground
1 cost support that lets you Ambush any unit cost two or lower. Oh my. Still got to pay for them. But the likes of Tallarn Raiders and Strackens Command Squad with Ambush is amazing. Enginseers become much better when dropped into a combat. And with Allies, you can drop in Tactical Squads, Raganr can drop in his sentinels. It's very very good. And not loyal! 5/5
Gleeful Plague Beast
Beefy Nurgle Plague beast that does 1 damage to every body at his planet when the battle happens. As always this seems better with Zaruthur than ku'Gath, although this guy does guarantee Ku'Gath starts the battle with a damage to move around. I think it is an auto include in Chaos for now. Also a daemon, so yay cultists. 5/5
1 cost event, essentially doubles the amount of damage on an army unit. Sadly cannot benefit from Zarathur's interrupt. Not a massive fan. 2/5
Blight Grenades
Ah finally a card that makes Death Guard Infantry worthwhile. Can give these bad boys to Ku'gaths Nurglings, the Death Guard Infantry, Virulent Plague Squad and Rotten Plaguebearers. And sacrifice the attachment to gain Area Affect 2 until the end of the combat. Area Effect is never bad. 4/5
Bloodied Reavers
2 costs is a sweet spot for units. If it's 2 cost it is prob worth a look. And these are. You get a standard 2/2/1 but with the +2atk with a warlord clause. Slighly weaker than Bor'kan as they can't have wargear attachments, but DE obv can't get the Bor'kan so not a fair comparison. Not seeing a space for them in De at the moment, but I have no doubt they have a space any in any DE combat deck. 3/5
Crucible of Malediction
Play a torture discard a card from the top 3 of a deck, Presumably your opponents, but there is also Value in looking at your own cards and removing the chaff. Probably waiting for Urien/5
Searing Brand
Another Torture for the as yet unavailable Urien Rakarth deck. This one is pretty tasty, it does 3 unpreventable damage or your opponent can discard two cards to cancel it. Win/win. 4/5
Vectored Vyper Squad
If Ku'gath's Nurgings wasn't a thing these might be pretty good. As it is, they are so very meh. Might see some use is a death from above mobile themed deck. 2/5
Guardian Mesh Armour
Doubles the shields on a card played to shield attached unit. Pretty good for saving key units. Like Eldritch Corsairs, or wraithguard. 3/5
Sac'ea Xv88 Broadside
Oh my these have the goods. 3 command icons, 6 hp and 4 attack. for 6 cost. If they have an attachment (they are in a tau deck, you have attachments) they have Area Affect 2. If that attachment is, say, Gun Drones, they are area effect 4. Cower in fear enemies of the greater good!! 5/5 for being what a big scary unit should be.
Tense Negotiations
Forget what it does, what is important is this card lets you Exhaust Aun'shi so he doesn't attack and run away for more Armorbane goodness. Triggering a battle ability is just icing. Just imagine moving units to the battle or routing on of theirs. 5/5
Heavy Marker Drones
yay Shadowsun is relevant again. Put this on something annoying, kill it. And next turn Shadowsun can bring it back from the discard.
As mentioned, IG won this pack hard. Get this pack if you at all want to play IG.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Friday, 6 March 2015
Gift of the Etherals
So with Zogworts Curse right round the corner, here goes with some very late completely arbitrary numbers. It's a not a party if someone doesn't arrive late right?
Phenomenal combat warlord. Has 2 attack and gives all your Tau Armorbane. Armorbane is utterly fantastic. Tau already have a knack for fielding hugely powerful ranged units and buffing them to the gills. Coupled with Aun'shi you have a warlord hunting machine. This does come with a cost though, after Aun'Shi attacks he goes home. But if all your guys have already had a go with ranged, not so much of an issue as there probably won;t be much left to stop you winning.
Ethereal Envoy
And so with a fantastic Warlord we get four of these guys. 1 hammer for 1 costs is a good deal any day of the week. And with 3 hp they stick around. Not all that good for holding a planet though, since all the enemy has to do is go there and one way or another they will leave, by either death or their forced reaction. 3/5
Aun'Shi's Sanctum
This is what makes those Ethereal Envoys worth playing. Double striking with a buffed ranged dude is so very awesome. "Any ranged unit" + Ion rifle + this support in play is a more than likely bloodied warlord. 5/5
Honor Blade
Gives all you other tau +1 attack. if you put it on Aun'Shi that's +1atk and armorbane. Delicious. The problem is that all the Ethereals have the forced run away reaction. So it's a temp bonus at best, but oh the carnage you can reap. 5/5
Ethereal Wisdom
Do you have The sanctum out? Yes? This card is money. No? Well it's +1 attack to a unit, meh. For free though! 4/5
White Scars Bikers
Yet another of the +2 attack when with warlord groupies. This is pretty amazing for Space Marines For a start he is a 2/3 off the bat. At cost 3 he is able to come into play via Drop Pod Assault. AAAmazing! 5/5
Know no Fear
Could be good. moving 3 units to planets from HQ means they won't arrive exhausted when they travel with your warlord. BUT, you have to exhaust your warlord to do it, and they have to go to different planets. Only has a single shield as well. I'm just not seeing how you can commit a deck slot to this. 2/5
Crushing Blow
Free event to do 1 unpreventable damage to a unit after a marine does damage. The unit has to have actually damaged the unit. When I last used it, either marines killed whatever they attacked, or shielded it all. So never saw play. Mediocre. Good for chipping away at Warlords though, and really big units. 3/5
Mystic Warden.
Free 2/2!! That's amazing (unlike those crappy free 1/1's from the core). After the battle ends, he goes away. But then once a battle has started, he's a pretty good unit to sacrifice for the many abilities that Guard have require a unit to die for the cause. Really rather good in certain Imperial Guard Decks. 4/5
To Arms
Zero cost event to ready a support. A lot of supports become much better if you can use them twice a turn. Catachan outpost immediately springs to mind. Has 2 shield as well. 5/5
Honorifica Imperialis
A unit with this has Ranged and Armorbane if with the enemy warlord. Guard already have good access to ranged with preemptive barrage, and that comes with the surprise factor. Does have two shields. But otherwise, too narrow to be good. 3/5
Mekaniak Repair Crew
Exhaust and deal him a damage to ready a support. Good stuff. He also readies the support before taking the damage, so can die for a good cause. Bit expensive for what he does, but he is a 3/2/1 body as well for 3 is a reasonable deal. 4/5
Goff Big Choppa
+2atk and Armorbane. Can give this to Goff Nobs for an 8/6 with armorbane. Potentially a lot more with Nazdreg around. Seems like fun, I am yet to test it though. 4/5*
Ammo Depot
If you have 3 or less cards in hand exhaust to draw one. Card Draw is phenomenally good in this game. 5/5
Rotten Plague Bearers
0/2 but as an action they can do a damage to a unit. As always with Zaruthar this becomes 2. And as an action it can go before any attacks are made. Can also use them to put a damage on Ku'Gath before he attacks to get the benefit of his reaction. Too narrow to be AAA material 3/5
Nurgling Bomb
Continuing the theme of the Nurge cards being better with Zaruthar than with Ku'Gath we have a Nurgling bombing. This does gives non-nurgle unit at a planet a choice, take a damage or run away. With Zaruthar this is 2 damage or GTFO. Even at cost 3, which is a lot, this is still stellar. 5/5
Throne of Vainglory
And the worst card currently in Conquest goes to the throne. As an action you can throw away the top card of your deck, if it cost 3 or more (and was therefore probably a GOOD card) you get two cultists. Now maybe this could see use in a crazy daemon deck. Expend cards to make the ones in your hand cheaper...but really. This is shit. 0/5
Sslyth Mercenary
1 cost for a 2/2/2. Stupidly good, and if you are playing Dark Eldar choke, your opponent probably doesn't have the 2 resources to steal it. 5/5 in DE choke. Can't see Chaos or Eldar ever using it.
0 cost event to force each player to sacrifice an Ally. A quick CardGameDb searh reveals that the Ally units are mostly command units. Seeing as it is a combat Action, and most of these units have already done the damage in the command struggle...not really seeing how it can be rated as good. 2/5
Warlock Destructor
Another Eldar combat unit. These are a 3/4/1 for 2. So obviously it has a drawback. You have to pay a resource tax every turn, or they die. Eldar are usually pretty good at winnign command, so may not be an issue. So play this all day imo. Or even so, having a 3/4 body if even only for a turn is well worth it. 5/5
Eldritch Corsair
Another Warlord Groupie These are identical to the White Scars Bikers. But Eldar don't have drop pod assault or really good ways to ambush them in. 3/5
Cancel a battle ability. You have to exhaust your warlord to do it which is where the issue is. You obviously are going to cancel planet abilities your opponent has won. If your warlord was in that battle, he either ran away or died, and is therefore exhausted already. If your warlord wasn't there then you didn't mind giving up the planet anyway. Could see some funky play if your opponent is very close to death and goes to Iridial to heal. You can yield to him, win the first planet and stop the heal. 2/5
So there you have it. This has the most exciting warlord in the cycle thus far, seeing as it is Tau and Shadowsun is in a weird, not great spot right now. Opens tau up to be real Warlord assassinating threat, rather than them hoping the star align and they get the right units and attachments in play. Some amazing cards, and some real stinkers.
Phenomenal combat warlord. Has 2 attack and gives all your Tau Armorbane. Armorbane is utterly fantastic. Tau already have a knack for fielding hugely powerful ranged units and buffing them to the gills. Coupled with Aun'shi you have a warlord hunting machine. This does come with a cost though, after Aun'Shi attacks he goes home. But if all your guys have already had a go with ranged, not so much of an issue as there probably won;t be much left to stop you winning.
Ethereal Envoy
And so with a fantastic Warlord we get four of these guys. 1 hammer for 1 costs is a good deal any day of the week. And with 3 hp they stick around. Not all that good for holding a planet though, since all the enemy has to do is go there and one way or another they will leave, by either death or their forced reaction. 3/5
Aun'Shi's Sanctum
This is what makes those Ethereal Envoys worth playing. Double striking with a buffed ranged dude is so very awesome. "Any ranged unit" + Ion rifle + this support in play is a more than likely bloodied warlord. 5/5
Honor Blade
Gives all you other tau +1 attack. if you put it on Aun'Shi that's +1atk and armorbane. Delicious. The problem is that all the Ethereals have the forced run away reaction. So it's a temp bonus at best, but oh the carnage you can reap. 5/5
Ethereal Wisdom
Do you have The sanctum out? Yes? This card is money. No? Well it's +1 attack to a unit, meh. For free though! 4/5
White Scars Bikers
Yet another of the +2 attack when with warlord groupies. This is pretty amazing for Space Marines For a start he is a 2/3 off the bat. At cost 3 he is able to come into play via Drop Pod Assault. AAAmazing! 5/5
Know no Fear
Could be good. moving 3 units to planets from HQ means they won't arrive exhausted when they travel with your warlord. BUT, you have to exhaust your warlord to do it, and they have to go to different planets. Only has a single shield as well. I'm just not seeing how you can commit a deck slot to this. 2/5
Crushing Blow
Free event to do 1 unpreventable damage to a unit after a marine does damage. The unit has to have actually damaged the unit. When I last used it, either marines killed whatever they attacked, or shielded it all. So never saw play. Mediocre. Good for chipping away at Warlords though, and really big units. 3/5
Mystic Warden.
Free 2/2!! That's amazing (unlike those crappy free 1/1's from the core). After the battle ends, he goes away. But then once a battle has started, he's a pretty good unit to sacrifice for the many abilities that Guard have require a unit to die for the cause. Really rather good in certain Imperial Guard Decks. 4/5
To Arms
Zero cost event to ready a support. A lot of supports become much better if you can use them twice a turn. Catachan outpost immediately springs to mind. Has 2 shield as well. 5/5
Honorifica Imperialis
A unit with this has Ranged and Armorbane if with the enemy warlord. Guard already have good access to ranged with preemptive barrage, and that comes with the surprise factor. Does have two shields. But otherwise, too narrow to be good. 3/5
Mekaniak Repair Crew
Exhaust and deal him a damage to ready a support. Good stuff. He also readies the support before taking the damage, so can die for a good cause. Bit expensive for what he does, but he is a 3/2/1 body as well for 3 is a reasonable deal. 4/5
Goff Big Choppa
+2atk and Armorbane. Can give this to Goff Nobs for an 8/6 with armorbane. Potentially a lot more with Nazdreg around. Seems like fun, I am yet to test it though. 4/5*
Ammo Depot
If you have 3 or less cards in hand exhaust to draw one. Card Draw is phenomenally good in this game. 5/5
Rotten Plague Bearers
0/2 but as an action they can do a damage to a unit. As always with Zaruthar this becomes 2. And as an action it can go before any attacks are made. Can also use them to put a damage on Ku'Gath before he attacks to get the benefit of his reaction. Too narrow to be AAA material 3/5
Nurgling Bomb
Continuing the theme of the Nurge cards being better with Zaruthar than with Ku'Gath we have a Nurgling bombing. This does gives non-nurgle unit at a planet a choice, take a damage or run away. With Zaruthar this is 2 damage or GTFO. Even at cost 3, which is a lot, this is still stellar. 5/5
Throne of Vainglory
And the worst card currently in Conquest goes to the throne. As an action you can throw away the top card of your deck, if it cost 3 or more (and was therefore probably a GOOD card) you get two cultists. Now maybe this could see use in a crazy daemon deck. Expend cards to make the ones in your hand cheaper...but really. This is shit. 0/5
Sslyth Mercenary
1 cost for a 2/2/2. Stupidly good, and if you are playing Dark Eldar choke, your opponent probably doesn't have the 2 resources to steal it. 5/5 in DE choke. Can't see Chaos or Eldar ever using it.
0 cost event to force each player to sacrifice an Ally. A quick CardGameDb searh reveals that the Ally units are mostly command units. Seeing as it is a combat Action, and most of these units have already done the damage in the command struggle...not really seeing how it can be rated as good. 2/5
Warlock Destructor
Another Eldar combat unit. These are a 3/4/1 for 2. So obviously it has a drawback. You have to pay a resource tax every turn, or they die. Eldar are usually pretty good at winnign command, so may not be an issue. So play this all day imo. Or even so, having a 3/4 body if even only for a turn is well worth it. 5/5
Eldritch Corsair
Another Warlord Groupie These are identical to the White Scars Bikers. But Eldar don't have drop pod assault or really good ways to ambush them in. 3/5
Cancel a battle ability. You have to exhaust your warlord to do it which is where the issue is. You obviously are going to cancel planet abilities your opponent has won. If your warlord was in that battle, he either ran away or died, and is therefore exhausted already. If your warlord wasn't there then you didn't mind giving up the planet anyway. Could see some funky play if your opponent is very close to death and goes to Iridial to heal. You can yield to him, win the first planet and stop the heal. 2/5
So there you have it. This has the most exciting warlord in the cycle thus far, seeing as it is Tau and Shadowsun is in a weird, not great spot right now. Opens tau up to be real Warlord assassinating threat, rather than them hoping the star align and they get the right units and attachments in play. Some amazing cards, and some real stinkers.
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