A truly interesting Warlord. Vehicles in this game have been criminally underused. But an awful lot of them become much more interesting when discounted. Mordian hellhound is a steal for 3, as is the Valkyrie, as is the land speeder and so on and so on. The biggest issue is Orks do lack in the event department they are all too situational and oh so expensive., and vehicles can't have most attachments. remains to be seen how good he will he turn out, but heis exciting

Gorzod's Wagons
Goes fasta is an odd mechanic, But what it does do is make it much easier to take the off initiative planets leaving the opponent second guessing on whether they truly want to commit to those planets,

Kustomation Station
Stupidly good. So so stupid. Also lets all your looted Am and Marine vehicles benefit from battle Cry

Hostile Acquistition
If vehicles ever become a thing, this might be good. As it stands though, you very rarely ever see vehicles. Bloodied Reavers are the most common, maybe the odd Chimera, Valkyrie, Big shoota Battlewagon or now Ramshackle truck.

The Bloodrunna
Kinda sad that putting your warlord in in a battlewagon doesn't give him the vehicle trait. But regardless +2hp is alot. The stand ability is ok, but not super game changing.

Imperial Fists Devastator
Reasonably good value for 4, but the real value is the support destruction. ok it's limited to Locations, but thats like 90% of the supports you really want to destroy. Khymera Den, Forward barracks, Archon's Palace etc.

Moving dudes is good. Only being able to move them from a blue planets is a shame. Only 3 costs or lower is a sad limitation even if Space Marines have all the good 3 cost units.. Paying 2 for the privilege is the another nail in the coffin.

Death Korps Engineers
The reaction is sadly very limited. You can blow up one of the best supports in the game though (Khymera Den) but not sadly the other best support in the game (Forward Barracks) Have a very weak synergy with the Shrieking Basilisk.

Vanguard Soldiers.
A reasonably good unit for the Coteaz preemptive combo train. It's a soldier so reasonably good for Stracken. And every AM unit is good with Worr so that's a moot conversation. it's a good 3 cost unit. So why not? Also isn't killed by Sowing Chaos which is a very real thing.

Inspirational Fervor
Seems good. Never seen it played. don't know why.

Prodigal Sons Disciple.
A very good elite unit. 3 command is a big deal. Being able to do unpreventable damage is good. With Zaruthur you could instagib any 2 health, 1 command unit. Sadly not a demon so cannot be discounted with cultists which is a very real limitation.

Seer of Deceit
Not really bringing enough I think. Stats are ok, card bonus is ok. it's....ok.

Khornate Chain Axe
+2 atk for 1 is fair. Brutal is so so good. Units get destroyed all the time. Note Bloodthirst only lasts for 1 combat round not the phase so it has a whole lot of timing restrictions to go with it. i threw in in my barrzul deck because....KHORNE!! SKULLS FOE THE SKILL THRONE!! etc etc

Mandrake Fearmobgber
So garbage stats. But the reaction is gravy. They basically have to shield it (losing a shield card) or risk losing something far more valuable. But I really feel you don't get what you pay for. if they were 2 costs, 1/2...maybe.

Shadowed Thorns Bodysuit
Hyper Shielding. Again though kabalite just isn't synonymous with good right now. What do you honestly care about enough to put this on? I guess in a Salaine Morn deck you probably have kabalites just because, so maybe, just maybe worth the card slot.

Fire Prism
Pricey, and has 3 command. But if you can get that reaction to trigger, you are so going to feel good about that battle. Starcannon is kinda good on this thing. Don't do that if you are going against Gorzod though...that would be a very bad thing to let him steal. Weak for all the reasons all the elites are at the moment. Cost too much and too vulnerable to control.

Saim-Hann Jetbike
Best eldar 2 shield card right here (along with gift but you rarely want to use that as a shield). Everyone knows how good wildrider squadron is. This is almost as good but it can go on (almost) any unit and you get a free 1 damage ping from it.

Prototype Crisis Suit
Not as good as the broadside imo. Lets see what you can realistically expect. double Ion rifle would lead to a a 10/4/2 for 5. Thats only just better than Possessed and only if you get that double ion in the top 9. Just not worth it. There is a very real risk that you might not find anything you want in the top 9.

Mont'ka Strike
Hello overkill. Lets see why this card sucks. You have to exhaust all your soldiers. it does not benefit from attachments. You can't target warlords which are the only type of unit you would want to do this to.

Sae'lum Enclave
This could be the first cost reducer that is actually good. and in good, I mean only in Starblaze deck, and maybe Shadowsun depending on her build

So it's like a non situational Shrine guard but without the commandicon, which sucks. but it's a genestealer, so ambushable with the new tyrnaid warlord. So probably only really good with him.

Are you so desperate for resources you want to discard your units? I guess in a pinch you can discard any units you drew in the command phase and useless for combat into resources to pay for your events. but no, just no. And 1 shield. May as well be a blank card.