In much the same vein as I did with the the 'Nid box, will be doing it in 4 parts, Warlords, Units, others, the the faction cards.
So this box brings the much awaited Necrons. And I have never been so unexcited by a release ever. I will try not to cloud my opinion with my general meh'ness of current Necrons.
Necron Faction.
Necrons can put any factions units in their decks. which makes them very versatile, but there is a catch. They get an enslavement dial which is set at the srart of the run, and they can only put into play units from the faction that is on the dial.

So Necrons come in 2 flavours. Theres the space undead reanimating flavour, and there is this enslaving of other races flavour. This is obviously the latter. the reacion is pretty damn good. -1hp is better than 1 damage, since it cannot be shielded. The only issue is the balance to how high you can get that X. Noting you can only get one faction (maybe 2) into play a turn, and you have to keep them around turn to turn, this reaction is rarely going to get above 2. So in general it's hard to rate this guy, since it depends on what other faction units you can get. Putting too many factions in your deck might mean you get too many different clogging you hand (remember you can only play 1 faction a turn)

As it is 3 cost for a 1/1/4 is garbage. But odds are good you will get at least +1atk, so 1/2/4 is actually ok. 3/4 is amazing for 3.

Movement abilities are cool. lets leave it at that. A nifty usage is moving units from HQ to a planet so they arrive unexhausted.

Best card in the squad by far. Can destroy almost anything (not neutrals) by paying it's cost.

So yes you can out two factions into play in one turn. I think I'd rather use at shields though. it;s also a deploy stall of sorts, so theres that.

The undead resurrection flavour Necron Warlord. The recursion screams value. Nothing is as frustrating as killing something only for it to come back. Only top most is a nice balancing factor, as is the once per turn. can also steal your opponents units. yay.

You do get 5 of this, mostly because unless you have 2-3 of them in the bin, they aren't that great. Number one reason why the Anrakhyr mirror match is so frustrating. Just steal your opponents Eternals And leave your 5 in the bin for that juicy 6/6 value.

Card cycling, draw cards you want, bin cards you don't confident you can get them back anyway. Tis good.

As Anrakyr there is a risk of just milling your entire deck. This is your safety valve. You only get to twice though (once then, then again with a harbinger of eternity.) So be careful. Could also be sad if it is the last card in the deck. It may not save you there.

A way of getting cards into the discard pile. +1 atk is ok. it's merely ok this card.