Cheap combat unit with an upside on death of bringing a dead necron back to hand.

Biel Tan Guardian is an amazing card. This is the same, but with conditions attached. You do lose the turn one amazing play that biel tan is there a very little chance of you getting 2 factions in play turn one.

This is more of what you expect from 2 cost nowdays. The drawback isn't a massive drawback for necrons who may want cards in the discard.

Amazing if you have a bunch of allied warriors in the deck. Crap if you don't. A Nahumekh card then.

So so unit, the reaction will probablydiscard nothing, but it does give you information as you get to look at the hand. Maybe worth it just for the information aspect.

Never ever goes away. As long as you have money can do 2 damage to something again and again and again.

Too many discard effects are a bad thing. With no way of manipulating the top cards of your deck seems too unreliable an effect to be good. Of course every so often you might put a monolith in the bin and have a 10 attack unit.

A double ranged 3 attack is quite nice, depending how many soliders you have. Pretty good in a soldier oriented Nahumekh deck. Unfortunately all the cool leave play effect soldiers are loyal.

I do believe I will get tiered of putting 'pretty good a x-trait themed deck' but thats what we have here. This guy can do serious work if you have enough scouts. -1hp is pseduo damage that cannot be shielded.

Really good. Really annoys Cato players.

Healing is good, probably not quite god enough to invest in this unit.

It's like Lone Wolf which was garbage. But slightly better since it's not necessarily suicide for this guy since he doesn't have to be alone. Those 2 command icons are not to underestimated. The dial restriction could be a thing if your Nahumekh since it may stop you playing your own cards.

There we go 5 armorbane attack for 4 is juicy. The condition isn't hard to meet for Necrons.

You have to have one of these in your Anrakhyr deck just in case it all goes wrong and your awake the sleepers is in the discard. Helps that is is a useful unit. 3 command icons and nice enough stats.

Yup, right royal pain in the arse. if your relying on it to protect your more important things, beware of exhaust effects. But 10hp, man thats a lot.

If you consider that by itself it's maybe a 4 costs unit. The reaction could get you another 4 cost vehicle. The math works. It does require you have a decent amount of vehicles in your deck, and one of them is in your discard. Playing it without the reaction is bad idea.

And just in case the area effect doesn't equal enough, it's stilll 5 attack. Can reliably expect it to be Area Effect 2 though for Nahumekh.

No restriction on cost, means the combat reaction can be outright amazing. This card also leaves me wondering just how many command icons can they fit on a card. Never ever trigger Y'Varn vs a Necron. Just not worth it.