Played my second campaign game last night. Did enjoy it, even though I lost. Eldar have way too many s6 shots. Got my armor saves v everything, and passed a hell of a lot of them, but somehow always managed to only fail exactly the right amount to lose the entire squad. Stupid crappy flak armour.
Was surprised when I found my psykers taking tests on 3d6, would normally be 15 points wasted against guard, but there you go.
A bad deployment leaving all my scoring units on a flank by themselves was bad bad move. But the risk you take when you deploy first I guess. keeping it all in reserve would of been better, being in chimeras would of made the slight loss of turns on table slightly less, and they maybe would of of been ripped to shreds as much. Should of definitely gone with my first plan of using Al'Rahem but meh, no vaguely good model to use.
Didn't really make use of my valkyrie as I should. After the veterans dropped of and suffered a deep strike mishap which resulted in them being left in front of scorpions, avengers and some jetbikes, bad day for them, I ended up using it as a poor gunship. Should of used it to extract my poor troops from their death trap, could of got 1 unit out at least.
Marbo was mostly useless due to how spread the Eldar were. Killed a wave serpent, then stayed in ruins for the rest of the game. No targets in range and no cover to advance behind without getting shot, lots.
What went right? Finally got some good rolls later on and killed troops, lots of them. One invulnerable wave serpent left me unable to get to one of the last two scoring units. Which won the game.
Hindsights a wonderful a thing
What really erked me though was how slow I was. My second turn really dragged. It's really hard to see why it's so. Only realised how bad I was after 3 hours and was only turn 4. Maybe just need to play more games? Dawned on me that I've only played ~10 games since 5th was released.