Very happy with him, a very productive Saturday evening.
And now some fluff.
"Like all Skaven, Rassnik considers himself the most powerful being in existence, and it is his divine right to lead clan Skyre and all Skaven to victory over the surface dwellers. If, of course, it wasn't for Skritlik. Skritlik has been a constant thorn in the Rassniks side. Born in the same litter Skritlik has managed to just about beat Rassnik in everything. His devices are always just that little bit more special, alittle bit more deadly. Rassnik constantly dreams of the day he can best Skritlik and claim his destiny.
Rassnik and Skritlik have both been sent by Skyre at the behest of the Grey Seer Morquol to lend support to Clan Maqueek. The Skyre weaponry has been a great asset to the warlord."
He looks rather cool.