Saturday, 12 March 2011

Short term goal

Desperately need a box of stormvermin and 3 warpfire throwers. With which I can make a legal 2500pt skaven list. Although I do need a battle standard bearer also, problem with that is that no standard bearers exist for skaven outside the standard troops. Best bet would be to convert a stormvermin I guess, but then I need two boxes of them - well out of my budget. Old clanrat is filling the vacancy at the moment.

Wonder if someone wants to trade a kidney for them.

The plan currenty sits at, alone with a small note on modelling progress
Thanquol and Boneripper - painted
Warlord with gt wpn and warpstone armor - undercoated

Plague Priest on furnace - painted
lvl 2 Warlock Engineer with Doom Rocket - Doesn't have an actual rocket, but painted
Battle Standard Bearer with Storm banner - proxy model painted

2 Units of 25 Clanrats with full command and warpfire thrower - 40% painted, 98% actually exists
40 slaves with musician - 50% painted
39 slaves with musician - not even undercoated
20 Stormvermin, full command, warpfire thrower and banner of eternal flame - don't have

27 Plague Monks, full command, Plague Banner - painted

Doomwheel - painted
Warplightning cannon - just slave crew to paint

Hard to choose between Thanquol and a normal Grey Seer on bell. Thanquol and Bone ripper are painted though, so he wins. And I really like Thanquol.

1 comment:

  1. Would EBay be a better and cheaper option for the models you need?
