Thursday, 19 January 2012

First game

Versus Joels Eldar, and I lost quite badly, although there really wasn't anything I could do.

His objective was to kill my commander and then it was down to Kill points. If he rusvuved I won regardless.

So what happened is I had to put down three units further han 12" from any table edge, inc my commander. Joel then did the same but within 12" of any table edge. No matter what happened I would be within 12" of 2 wraithguard units. Fate was sealed from then. The two vet squads was annihlated. Then turn after the commanders chimera snuffed it, because for some fucked reason Tanks cannot outrun infantry. He did survive a hail of scatter laser fire though when the war walkers turned up, making 5/5 armour saves. So after turn 2 I was 5kp vs 0.

I got two units from reserve, that killed two walkers. turn after two wraithlords showed up and slagged my two reserves, again nothing I could of done. Wraithguard massacred my commander. I was now 8 for nothing, and my only shot at victory was for me to kill everything. Everything being 2 untouched wraithguard units and 2 wraithlords. And one wave serpent and dire avengers

Got a vet squad turn 3, that basically showed up out of range of everything, and moved towards the wave serpent, And my leman russ squad. Whiffed with their shooting vs the wraithlord, which then proceeded to kill one.

turn 4 I got nothing from reserve.

Turn 5 Joel parked his wave serpent in front of the entire remnants of my army. game was already lost, but to rub salt in the wound, 3 meltas, a demolisher cannon, lascannon and the hellhound cannon, did no damage to the wave serpent. And then the game ended. Joel lost 2 war walkers. I lost everything, bar 1 vet squad, the demolisher and a hellhound. 9kp to 0.

So was pretty much a massacre, only reason I had 3 units at the end is because they appeared on a table edge with no one on it on the very last turn.

If I could of kept range, or started with everything, maybe had a chance, but the forced deployment and piecemeal slaughter of my forces as they arrived. Nope could not win.

And then played a slamm game vs James. Lost because I could not hit shot for one, and secondly because he had an earthshaker and a lascannon firing beween a tiny gap between two buildings. Such bullshit when people do that. It's akin to a game I played vs dark elves once, where there was a perhaps half inch between two of my regiments, with one behind them which then got fired upon by a crap load of bolthrowers. through that tiny gap.


  1. I have to admit that though he's an ok guy, I don't much enjoy playing against James either.

    1. btw our game isn't scheduled at all :p

      Unless I'm blind, which isn't totally inplausible.

  2. Yeah it is. We're listed at the very bottom in the "play outside the league" section. Basically we can arrange a time for you to pop over and we'll play at mine if that's cool with you?

    1. That sections not labelled as such and hence my eyesight retains it honour.

      But that makes sense, no prob :)

  3. Basically the idea was that because I can play my games anytime, it made sense to pull them from the leagu to speed up the games just slightly.
