Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Fun list

Because I was bored 1750.

Company command - Creed/Kell, astropath, officer of the fleet, vox, medi pack and a melta gun.
6 Ratlings!!
Veterans - bastonne, 3 melta, shotguns
Valkyrie -  Multilaser, rocket pods, sponsons.
Infantry Platoon
 command - 4 flamers, bolt pistol
 2 x squad, with grenade launchers, vox
 3 x squad with plasma gun/lascannon, vox
Leman Russ with heavy bolters
Leman Russ Demolisher, lascannon, plasma sponsons

Not one of these choice is especially good.  Espcially the command squd, 330 points of total ineffectiveness.  it does LOOK like a command squad though,  Commander with his advisors and a special weapon as protection.  And voxes!!  Pointless, but Cadians are relatively high tech and would use them.  And maybe not totally pointless with creed giving 4 orders a turn.  And some bods, with which to give orders to.  2 of which will be saddled with the task of running across the battlefield to claim objectives.  Good luck to them.  And some tank firepower, just because.

Need to get some voxes, sure there are some somewhere from back when they were good.   And an opponent.


  1. Maybe not good but that is a fun casual list and we need to see more of that from people.

  2. I'd rather put some Ogryns in, don't want to paint them though. The last word in cool units that are almost useless.
