So me with
Grey Seer
Warlock Engineer with Rocket
22 Clanrats, shields. full command
40 slaves
41 slaves
6 jezzails
6 Gutter Runners with poison, slings.
Against Joels Dark Elves, which of the top of my head was
lvl 2 Sorceress with Death magic.
20 spearmean
10 crossbows
5 Harpies
and Black guard I believe, 20 of them.
Managed to get that awful Dawn Attack mission, with the random deployment. Which was probably 30% the reason I lost. I deployed first and had my clanrat bunker on my right flank on their own, facing off across against most of the dark elves (everything bar the hydra was threatening them). Had Jezzails and slaves in the centre. And the other slaves and the doomwheel left flank. Doomwheel at least had the speed to get the middle, but the slaves were out of the battle entirely.
Joel managed to roll a 6 and get first turn. Which was everything making a bee line towards my clanrats and the somewhat doomed grey seer. had spears approaching front, and black guard advancing towards my flank. Fortuantly survived the magic phase, only loosing a single wound on my grey seer.
My turn 1 was attempting to consildate my army together. Could not move my clanrats as it would of meant giving up a turn of magic. Both slaves attempted swift reforms, but without the generals leadership could not manage it. Fancied my chances at wiping out the spearelves and the darn sorceress and so cast Curse of the horned rat on them. Only killing 12 though. No miscast fortuantly.
Jezzails killed a harpy. Attempted the doomrocket, but it fell short.
Turn 2 harpies charged the jezzails, who killed 1 in stand and shoot reaction. Crossbows bunkered in a building. And everything advanced towards my poor clanrats. Grey Seer again survived the magic phase. In a suprising turn of events, lost 2 jezzails to combat, but they killed 4 in return. The harpies fled. My turn 2 failed to cast the dreaded thirteenth, but plagued the black guard, killing 9. Jezzails took 2 wounds off the hydra.
Turn 3 the harpies continued fleeing, through the hydra which also paniced and fled. Black guard failed their charge. My Grey Seer succumbed to the death magic at last. Lost a couple of clanrats to shooting. and jezzails were finished. I attempted to charge the spears, who fled. Gutter runners did a wound to the hydra with slings, yay poison.
Turn 4 black guard charged the clanrats which really was the end of the game. It was a flank charge. Attempted to at least get some kills with my bsb. Then proceeded to fail my break test loosing a standard, and my bsb. Worth noting that this unit of black guard spent the rest of the game hiding from slaves!! Doomwheel lost wounds to magic, and out of control put it in combat with the spears, result! Also of note the sorceress died to miscast. Doomwheel won combat, mowing down the elves. I attempted to get the wheel towards the black guard. It fired it's lightning at the crossbows, misfiring taking 6 str 6 hits. Goodbye doomwheel. Did another wound to the hydra. In hindsight, should of charged it, alas.
Turn 5 the Hydra rallied. and killed 2 gutter runners with it's breath. only str 2! It charged and ate a gutter runner, but they were able to finish it off.
That was basically it. It could of been a lot closer. As it was, the deployment really did make it hard for me. My clanrats had to stand where they were so the Grey Seer could cast. Always so scared with my Grey Seer. I should of marched towards the spears turn 1, but hey, hindsight. Grey seer was pretty much trapped in his clanrat unit. I could of possibly skitterleaped him out but nowhere to go really. Whilst it may have saved his points, I would of still lost the unit and the bsb to the black guard. And he would of been effectively neutered. Skaven magic is horribily short ranged. I also had plague and the dreaded thirteenth which are two far too tasty spells to not cast. leaving me with no dice to cast skitterleap anyway.
Didn't tally VP. But I had lost everything bar 2 gutter runners, and one slave unit. More importantly, the black guard had my bsb and a standard claimed. I had no standards. Dark elf casualties were the sorceress, the spear unit, the harpies and the hydra.
Was great fun though, against the grain is always a challenge.