Friday, 30 November 2012

Skaven/Goblins vs Ogres/High elves

Rather entertaining game.  Though it was the godawful watchtower.
From memory we were facing 9 ogres, 4 mournfangs, firebelly, couple of sabretusks and the horrible ogre cannon.  On the high elves side there was a mage, 2 units of maybe 12 archers, 10 swordmasters, bolt thrower and 5 dragon princes.

We had a Grey Seer, Warlok Enginner with rocket, 2 units of 20 slaves, 5 jezzails, 6 gutter runners, Doomwheel, Warp Lightning Cannon, 60 goblins with spears and 5 bosses, another unit of 40 with hand weapon/shield, mangler squig and doom diver.

So I put a unit in the slaves in the tower at the start.  maybe they could take someone with them if the tower was tkaen.  They did not.  So we had 9 ogres in there for the most part. after turn 1

So highlights.

Turn 1 shooting. Ratling gun exploded, doom diver exploded.

Turn 2.  many clanrat deaths.  Grey Seer cast cracks call on the watchtower, destroying it and 6 of the ogres inside.  Doomwheel attempted to shoot, but misfired.  It went out of control, plowing through 2 fanatics.  It killed them, but took a wound from them.  So went out of control again impacting a goblin unit and killing a few of them. yay for doomwheels.

Turn 3 the Grey Seer left the tattered remnants of the clanrats and joined the large goblin unit.  Attempted cracks call on the mournfangs, and they passed 3/3 inititive tests at inititive 2!!  Doomwheel killed the ogre mage (and general)

Turn 4  Mournfangs charged the goblins.  Grey seer took 2 wounds.  A couple of bosses died as did many goblins.  But the gobbos held.  Cannon killed the elf mage (and general)

Turn 5 the mournfags were a slain by the goblins (yay!!)  my grey seer had skitterleaped out the unit with a miscast, he lost 2 levels.  Cannon misfired killing 3 jezzails who fled.

 Turn 6 The dragon princes charged the small goblin unit, winning and mowing them down.  Goblins charged the swordmasters.  Which was a drawn combat.  jezzails rallied.  And that was it, end of game due to time.

We each had units in contact with the ruins of the tower. So a draw there.  So it was down to victory points which we didn't really have time for.

We had left the large unit of goblins, 2 big bosses, the warboss and the mangler.  Skaven had the grey seer, my cannon and the jezzails.  But we also had 200 victory points from the slain generals.

They high elves were completely intact, less the mage.  The ogres had the ogre block alive, and the cannon.

So was probably a draw in victory points.

Monday, 26 November 2012


Oh dear.  just watched an unboxing of GW's wall of matrys trench abomination.

I was hoping the walls and floor were seperate, so at least the trench walls could be easily salvaged into a proper board of some sort.
But alas, they are not.  they are one piece.  Can still get a saw out I suppose, or you know not bother.

Ground level trenches are bat shit retarded.  Like someone built a wall (This is a good idea) then built another wall right behind them (WHY?!)

Friday, 16 November 2012

Skaven and Goblins vs Daemons and Brettonians

Richard was Gobbos, Simon Brettonians, marko Daemons, me Skaven. I could argue tired, but alas.  Game I played tonight was incredibly dissapointing not because of the result - a loss, but because of severely poor play on my part.

had my gutter runner scouts that forgot move/shoot there primary target.  Warlock engineer who skitterleaped for his shooting, and forgot to shoot ...FOR three turns!!

But the mission was the awful blood and glory mission.

And it as didn't go well for the goblins.  The fanatics killed the juggernauts that triggered them, and nothing else.  Pump wagon fell short of it's target, and was then mowed down by the mangler, that killed zero knights and and  a lot of bowmen.  And the rest were paniced by trebuchet fire, and mowed down by bloodletters.  Could of been different had my gutter runners got to engage the warmachines.

For my part, Grey Seer eventually erased 32 bloodletters by himself, and surviving the miscasts which was nice.  Cannon did well, got a new found apprecation for it.  Killed pretty much all of one unit of knights.  Doomwheel whiffed.  Moved forward then was run down by a knight unit.  Jezzails were jezzails, did ok.  Tried the ratling gun.  Would of been good, but Marko passed all his wards the one time it fired.
 As it was the Unit that killed the doomwheel, swept round and mowed down all the guns (doomdiver, jezzails, and the cannon) and by that time the goblins were dead.  $ bloodletters charged my clanrats who fled.  I didn;t fancy my chances.  Sadly didnt rally, and thats the game.  Was only my general left.

Could of been better, and a lot worse.  Simons mage had the dwellers below, but never got it cast.

But as I said dissapointed in myself.  EDIT.  Not to say I didn't enjoy the game, I did.  Was a large-ish (2000 point) Fantasy game with the allied armies.  And was a blast.

Also played some games of Race for the Galaxy vs Steve.  One game was close, second I got trounced.  He pulled almost every military related card going for an impressive score of  102.

Friday, 9 November 2012


So I didn't have a game of 40k tonight.  Muffin never showed up, he needs a slap.

So sitting around I was loaned Magic decks.  many thanks to Chris and Warren for that.  I tried a few, did my best.

But afterwards I feel I don't like Magic anymore.  It wasn't really that fun.  Wonder when that happened.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Space Marines

So Dark Angel rumours have them getting some new flyer, and I can't see why.

They just seem to be adding things to chapters for no good reason other than that they can.  99% of space marines are equipped to the same guidelines.  With Dark Ang4els it's doubly so, they are very very standard beyond their first two companies and the inner circle.  Can't see any reason for them to be getting this stuff.  Be even worse if they do get Sternguard/Vanguard since they are first company veterans and the deathwing NEVER fights in power armour.  Was bad enough in the Blood Angel codex who got a ton of new units for no good reason,   But it is a Matt Ward book, he's done far worse.

 I guess it's good for the game to make them different, but do wish they would stop destroying established fluff to do it.  Or maybe it's just a side effect of them having so many space marine codexes.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Tonights battles

So my league game vs mark was a very very close game, with the horrible blood and glory mission.


The saga of the soulgrinder. My doomwheel charged into it, taking 5 wounds of it with shooting. Sadly the doomwheel whiffed in combat, and was run down. It then charged my slaves, who fled in terror. A second charge had them off the table. it then attempted to go after my grey seer and fire a grape shot. It misfired and died :D

The saga of the grey seer. 3 turns of rolling not above 5 for magic left him somewhat impotent. Eventually my army was in tatters, from the brokenness of flamers. He had taken a wound from combat with one of the flamer units. And his unit was left facing down a lot of bloodletters. So he did what any Grey Seer would do, he skitterleaped away abandoning the clanrats to their fate. A fifth turn he killed all the bloodletters with the curse. If I had transmuted one more model, I would of had skulltaker dead, and the game won. He took a wound from the miscast. But he was alive, and spent the rest of the game skitterleaping to stay away from the flamers.
 The saga of skulltaker. Skulltaker charged into my clanrats, and started his slaughter. Not enough for them to flee though. They won the the next round of combat, making skulltaker lose wounds from instability. Eventually turn 6 my static resolution of 3 was enough to draw vs skulltaker. Won by one with my musician and he lost his final wound to instability, winning me the game.  Was also Marko's biggest mistake.  He could of charged his flamers into the combat, guaranteeing a win.  But did not.

Was a flukey victory.

Played a second game vs Brians ogres which can only be classed as a massacre.
 Took a different list featuring plague monks, who won me the battle with a degree of luck.
The turning point was my plague monks were able to charge his main unit of ogres (Who were
whithered so toughness 3). Doing 11 wounds on the charge and loosing 4. A good result. The ogres fled and were run down.
The luck game into play from the fact the mournfangs were close enough to panic from the unit being destroyed in close combat. Which they did, never to return.

Killed the mammoth thing with my doomwheel, as it was tied up by slaves. Leaving My entire army less 4 plague monks, my plague priest and a few slaves going after one ogre mage. Called it there.

Plague monks are lethal vs things with little armour.