Friday, 16 November 2012

Skaven and Goblins vs Daemons and Brettonians

Richard was Gobbos, Simon Brettonians, marko Daemons, me Skaven. I could argue tired, but alas.  Game I played tonight was incredibly dissapointing not because of the result - a loss, but because of severely poor play on my part.

had my gutter runner scouts that forgot move/shoot there primary target.  Warlock engineer who skitterleaped for his shooting, and forgot to shoot ...FOR three turns!!

But the mission was the awful blood and glory mission.

And it as didn't go well for the goblins.  The fanatics killed the juggernauts that triggered them, and nothing else.  Pump wagon fell short of it's target, and was then mowed down by the mangler, that killed zero knights and and  a lot of bowmen.  And the rest were paniced by trebuchet fire, and mowed down by bloodletters.  Could of been different had my gutter runners got to engage the warmachines.

For my part, Grey Seer eventually erased 32 bloodletters by himself, and surviving the miscasts which was nice.  Cannon did well, got a new found apprecation for it.  Killed pretty much all of one unit of knights.  Doomwheel whiffed.  Moved forward then was run down by a knight unit.  Jezzails were jezzails, did ok.  Tried the ratling gun.  Would of been good, but Marko passed all his wards the one time it fired.
 As it was the Unit that killed the doomwheel, swept round and mowed down all the guns (doomdiver, jezzails, and the cannon) and by that time the goblins were dead.  $ bloodletters charged my clanrats who fled.  I didn;t fancy my chances.  Sadly didnt rally, and thats the game.  Was only my general left.

Could of been better, and a lot worse.  Simons mage had the dwellers below, but never got it cast.

But as I said dissapointed in myself.  EDIT.  Not to say I didn't enjoy the game, I did.  Was a large-ish (2000 point) Fantasy game with the allied armies.  And was a blast.

Also played some games of Race for the Galaxy vs Steve.  One game was close, second I got trounced.  He pulled almost every military related card going for an impressive score of  102.

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