Monday, 24 February 2014


Done some painting the past few days.

I've decided to repaint one of my Firesprays.  Nothing spectacular, just Krassis Trellix's colours.  Fun fact about this Firespray, the paint does NOT come off.  Gw paints however just scrub off with no problem.  Which is good, It's taken 6 complete failures to do white.  Managed to do a good job of the 'wings' though.  So next attempt will do it.

Also set down to paint some Skaven.  Did 4 slaves.  That was not a productive evening.

A few months ago did however paint a Plague Furnace and my Hellpit Abomination.  Not happy with the abomination, but any attempt to improve it will just wind up with it ruined.  It looks like a fleshy blob, and it shall remain so.

Upcoming Store Championship.

Tournament on Saturday.  it's also a Store Championship so much prestige attached to winning.

So many tempting lists.

Tantamount to Suicide.  2 Ships, but man are they scary.  They also both have 1 agility.

Han Solo, Marksmanship, Gunner, Chewie
Ten Numb, Marksmanship, Heavy Laser Cannon

The Empires Finest, three ship imperials all PS 9.  Can go without ever getting hit, or will go down in flames first shot.  Yay dice.  Can also do a decent job of not getting shot with boost and barrel rolls.  If you are cleverer than me that is. Elusiveness helps protect Vader, as the tie advanced is by far the weak link.
Darth Vader, Elusiveness, Concusion Missiles, Stealth Device
Soontir Fel, Push The Limit, Stealth Device
Turr Phenir, Vet Instincts, Stealth Device.

Missiles Away.  Jonus helps those missiles hit, Howlrunner to help that crap bomber chassis to score some hits after the ordnance is gone.
Captain Jonus, Squad Leader
Scimitar Squadron Pilot, Assault Missiles, Cluster Missiles, Seismic Charges
Scimitar Squadron Pilot, Assault Missiles, Cluster Missiles, Seismic Charges
Howlrunner, Stealth Device

Random Empire List.  Soontir does his thing with his default 33 point build.  Firespray and Vader for lols.  And 2 warm bodies.  Could save points with a shuttle and take another warm body.  But not going to happen.
Soontir Fel, Push the Limit, Stealth Device.
Bounty Hunter, Heavy Laser Cannon, Darth Vader.
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot

Or could just take a boring 2 X-wing, 2 B-wing build that's all the rage, and for good reasons.  But I don't want to.

Sunday, 16 February 2014


So Xwing today.

I took 2 a-wings and 2 b wings.  All I cba to write

Event marred by three things.

One a tie swarm.  Not so bad itself, I thought about taking it,  although you really have to tailor your list to beat it.  But the stated reasons it was taken was because "3x8 hull points, can anyone kill them all in time?  Probably not, so it's a meta choice."  Taking a list not because of synergy or fun, but because someone can't kill it the hour time frame is  a shit move.

And Chris refusing to use Asteroids.  He really does weird things to games.  Why bother playing a game if you take stuff out?  But anyway that just turns into fly at each other shoot and repeat.  No point maneuvering unless you just don't want to shoot anybody..  Which suited him fine as he had advanced torpedoes on two of his ships.

Three shop was crammed with Magic Players.  Who kept moaning they had no space and kept wanting to know when Xwing was over.  Still don't know why it was changed from a Saturday.  But whatever, if it's on a Sunday again.  Fuck it.

Meh day, very very very meh.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Xwing 18th january

Been a while writing this up.  it was  terrible day for me, but here goes.

I took almost the exact same list as I did in November due to having 0 opportunity to play xwing in the two weeks before the day.  Which consisted of Wedge with engine upgrade, R2 Astromech, and Push the Limit (He kills things)  Biggs with R2-F2 ( helps stop other two dieing horribly), and Jan Ors with a Blaster Turret, Recon Specialist and the moldy crow. (helsp wedge kill things, and is reasonably killy herself)

game 1 wa svs Jim, he had Chewbacca and 2 Blue Squadron Pilots with heavy laser cannons.  A frightening amount of firepower+hull points(29!!).  Managed to knock out the 2 bwings as soon as I could then onto Chewie.  Managed to get Chewbacca to 4 hit points remaining before I ran out of ships.  Made a terrible decision of going for range 1 shots, should of stayed at range 3.  Cest la vie.

Game 2 was v Keith and was my only win ( I was his only loss on the day >_<)  He was flying 4 A-wings with push the limit. Three of them had concussion missiles.  Spent the first few rounds flying around the board.  I spent most of it circling the middle.  Whenever they came round for a shot, Wedge was able to boost into arc and basically one shot an A-wing each time.  it was a massacre.  Only 1 missile was fired.  I never lost a ship.  Jan Ors did lose her blaster turret though.  Which was annoying.  Ended the game with a ridiculous amount of focus tokens that she couldn't get rid off.  Was at least 12.

Game 3 was versus Alex (Rodent Mastermind).  he has Lando with Nien Nunb and determination.  Ibitsam with Push the Limit and a Rebel Operative with Blaster Turret and Recon Specialist.  I hate Falcons.  I figured Ibitsam was the greater threat and went for her.  She went down easily enough, well as easily as B-wings go down anyway.  After that the other two just finished me off.  3 Ships rebels just cannot deal with falcons.

Game 4 was versus John.  He had a rebel swarm of 2 a-wings, 2 B-wings and a rookie pilot with a r2 Astromech.  the problem I had was that they had way more firepower, and pretty much the same amount of defence as me, but with more hull points.  I killed what I could, the A-wings died as did a B-wing I beleive.  But just ran out of ships.

Game 5 was vs Ryan, who had Howlrunner with Push the Limit, Mauler Mithel with Squad Leader, Backstabber, a scimitar squadron bomber and an academy tie.  My Relaince on Biggs meant I clumped up.  Should of just split my force.  Yeah Wedge would of died, but splitting up the swarm's firepower, would of made a massive difference.  As it happened, I flew into it and died.  To be fair I was somewhat demoralised by my prev losses.

So 1 win, 4 losses.  Came tied second from bottom with 3 others.  But killed more than them, so was top of that little pile.  Something I suppose.

Got another in March. Probably going Imperials.  Get points for having the highest place Themed list for the A New Hope, My list is so bad, but it's fluffy, so theres that

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Been Playing through this the past few weeks.  And it's such a great game.

And just finished adventure path 3 - The Hook Mountain Massacre.  So far been having a fairly easy time of it.  no one has come near dying.  Only real problem was the foul misgivings scenario.  Took me 6 or 7 tries, just kept running out of time.

My party consists of (a very boring standard party) of:

The Warrior, Valeros.  He kill things, very very easily.  Regularly goes around throwing 3 dice + 8 at things.  Went weapon master with him, so now he can carry on killing things, and anyone with him will get a massive d4(+ eventually lots) so they can kill things very easily as well.  His bane is the Siren.  Seriously **** that bird-thing.

The Cleric, Kyra.  Most disappointing character.  Shes survivable.  And has heals.  About all there is to say.  Regularly smites undead.  Gone Healer with her.  All shes really good for.

The Wizard, Ezren.  Can be a power house, can be useless.  As time goes on and more and more equipment in decks becomes magic, he will no doubt come better with all those free explores.  Gone Evoker with him, to up his damage.  He has no Force spells though, so will have to wait a while for some more powers to boost his scorching rays and lightning bolts before it really takes effect.  These three normally stick together, unless locations like the Academy or Thassilonain dungeon are out where Ezren goes and does his thing.

The Rogue, Merisiel.  Is a star.  Can, and does, solo any location easily.  Has a weakness to actually acquiring weapons/armour/allies though.  Gone Thief to alleviate that.  And the ability to just evade anything is amazing.

Only flaw with the game is a lack of background.  you only given a brief blurb before a scenario explaining whats going on.

Have no idea who most of the villains are, why they are doing what they are doing.  Even worse for henchmen.  They don't even get mentioned in the scenarios.  They are just names.  The Internet helps a little.  Keep looking for somewhere to get the books, as I'm not paying £35 for a rpg book when I have no interest in role playing.  Wish they would do novels or something.

Edit: NVM, found a copy of the anniversary edition.  Some light reading to do.

Also need a storage solution.  I've sleeved all mine, and things are getting tight in that box.