Saturday, 8 February 2014

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Been Playing through this the past few weeks.  And it's such a great game.

And just finished adventure path 3 - The Hook Mountain Massacre.  So far been having a fairly easy time of it.  no one has come near dying.  Only real problem was the foul misgivings scenario.  Took me 6 or 7 tries, just kept running out of time.

My party consists of (a very boring standard party) of:

The Warrior, Valeros.  He kill things, very very easily.  Regularly goes around throwing 3 dice + 8 at things.  Went weapon master with him, so now he can carry on killing things, and anyone with him will get a massive d4(+ eventually lots) so they can kill things very easily as well.  His bane is the Siren.  Seriously **** that bird-thing.

The Cleric, Kyra.  Most disappointing character.  Shes survivable.  And has heals.  About all there is to say.  Regularly smites undead.  Gone Healer with her.  All shes really good for.

The Wizard, Ezren.  Can be a power house, can be useless.  As time goes on and more and more equipment in decks becomes magic, he will no doubt come better with all those free explores.  Gone Evoker with him, to up his damage.  He has no Force spells though, so will have to wait a while for some more powers to boost his scorching rays and lightning bolts before it really takes effect.  These three normally stick together, unless locations like the Academy or Thassilonain dungeon are out where Ezren goes and does his thing.

The Rogue, Merisiel.  Is a star.  Can, and does, solo any location easily.  Has a weakness to actually acquiring weapons/armour/allies though.  Gone Thief to alleviate that.  And the ability to just evade anything is amazing.

Only flaw with the game is a lack of background.  you only given a brief blurb before a scenario explaining whats going on.

Have no idea who most of the villains are, why they are doing what they are doing.  Even worse for henchmen.  They don't even get mentioned in the scenarios.  They are just names.  The Internet helps a little.  Keep looking for somewhere to get the books, as I'm not paying £35 for a rpg book when I have no interest in role playing.  Wish they would do novels or something.

Edit: NVM, found a copy of the anniversary edition.  Some light reading to do.

Also need a storage solution.  I've sleeved all mine, and things are getting tight in that box.


  1. I really don't like the Wizard character. I'd stick to the Sorcerer.

    Also, doesn't playing with four decks get annoying?

    1. Ezren gets pretty godly as he goes on. For example the Sihedron Medallions? Auto recharge. Any of the arcane items, nearly Auto recharge. Plus his spells nearly always get replaced so almost always have a damge spell on hand. Whereas Seoni may not have a spell on hand, meaning she has to ditch something for damage. Plus as I said, his free explores will get more frequanet when more and more weapons/armors are magic. I do like Seoni, but Ezren can have a trick for every ocassion, she does not. Shes just a damage beat stick.

      4 decks in play is fine, take your time make a story out of it. Only annoyance is rebuilding them afterwards. Would be easier with others, but everyone is dead set on playing with wonky house rules where you don't banish whats there when closing locations. Which is more of a drawback after you start the Hook Mountain Massacre anyway. It's near enough the only way to get the Blessing of the Gods out of the game. Managed to get rid of 5 of them so far. Which is 5 better blessings being in my location decks.

    2. I'm with you about the silly houserule that Chris uses.
