Sunday, 26 October 2014

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest Card review type thing

Haven't played a few games here's my opinion of the factions.  Starting with the Space Marines.  Because why not.  Although only having played 2 games with them, my opinion may not be totally valid.  If I ever reference unit stats it will be ATK/HP/CMD (may update this with card images if get the time)

Starting with the Signature squad
Captain Cato Sicarius
Captain Cato Sicarius
He has two attack, that's great.  His ability to get resources when you kill stuff is solid. Only 6 hp and he has to stick around to get the benefit of his ability.  So be careful with him. 4/5
Sicarius’s Chosen
Sicarius's Chosen
You get 4 of these.  A 2/3/1 hammer for 3 is ok.  I've not found much use for there ping and move an enemy effect.  Much fun if you can get them into play mid combat to move someone they thought was safe though. 4/5
Cato’s Stronghold
Cato's Stronghold
Amazingly good. You only ever get one though.  A problem shared with all the other warlord support cards though.  Attacking twice in a row with dreadnoughts and the like is painful. 5/5
The Fury of Sicarius
The Fury of Sicarius
Is that a helldrake causing you issues?  Kill it with Fury!!  Love this card. 5/5
Tallassarian Tempest Blade
Tallassarian Tempest Blade
Makes Cato (because honestly you are not going to put this on Maxos) a 3atk Armorbane killing machine.  Again you only get one which is a shame.  Has 3 shields if that is ever needed as well. 5/5

Onto Loyal Cards
Honored Librarian
 Honored Librarian
These guys are useful.  4/2/1 for 3.  And as long as you have another unit nearby they cannot be attacked.  4 atk kills a great many things. 5/5
Ultramarines Dreadnought
Ultramarines Dreadnought
No hammers, but a 8/8 for 6 is scary in anyone's books.  Very very pricey.  Very very painful. 4/5
Veteran Brother Maxos
Veteran Brother Maxos
Your only other unique dude other than Sicarius.  2/3/2 is balanced.  But his action is why you bring him.  Putting a unit in play after the fight starts is amazing.  Can also give him an Iron Halo if you so desired.  Love putting Chosen into play with him. 5/5
Deathwing Guard
Deathwing Guard
9HP!!  4 HAMMERS!!  These guys bring the juice.  2 atk is meh though.  At 5 cost I rarely enjoy playing them. 4/5
Drop Pod Assault
Drop Pod Assault
Look at the top 6 cards and put a unit of 3 or less cost into play.  Very cool.  Amazing how many times I've whiffed on this type of search the top of your deck card.  Lets see what you can feasibly get with this.  - Maxos, Chosen, Librarian, Scout, Tac Squad, Blood Angel Vets, Techmarine and  Eager Recruit.   Getting an unexpected librarian or a Chosen (if they have a target) is pure win. 5/5
Iron Halo
Iron Halo.
Now this is a relic.  And you can only ever have one relic so you can't have this and The tempest Blade in play.  Preventing all damage from one attack is good though.  Keeps Maxos around for longer.  Makes Cato a bitch to kill.  But still, is it worth putting this on Cato if means never seeing his sword in play? 3/5

And the Rest.
10th Company Scout
10th Company Scout
Space Marines have 3 units that cost less than 2 or less and this one of them.  2/1/1 for 1 is gold.  Take 3.  You want some of these to contend command in the early turns for cards and resources.  You are not going to win if you don't have cards/resources. 5/5
Tactical Squad Cardinis
Tactical Squad Cardinis
1/3/1 for 2.  Not bad.  Also have AoE1.  So versatile, like tactical squads should be.  I like. 4/5
Blood Angels Veterans
Blood Angel Veterans
3/3/1 for 3,  Good unit.  Whilst ready they ignore 1 damage from every source. Obvious Synergies with the Bodyguard attachment from The Imperial Guard. 5/5
Daring Assault Squad
Daring Assault Squads
3/3/1 for 4.  Bad deal.  Have AoE2 So there's that. All told, do not like.  You can't get them into play with drop pod assault either. 3/5
Land Raider
Land Raider.
Ah the mighty Land Raider.  3/7/3 for 5 is a good deal.  And your other non vehicle units cannot be targeted by card effects whilst it at the same planet.  Saves your cool stuff from thins like Eldorath, Suppressive Fire, Archons Terror, Twisted Laboratory, Zarathurs Flamers etc.  Thing is that the Land Raider is a big enough threat that it was probably going to be targeted by these anyway. 3/5
Eager Recruit
Eager Recruit
A scout without the hammer, but has Ambush.  Useful for a surprise snipe of a unit.  These guys can win battles for you. 4/5
Iron Hands Techmarine
Iron Hands Techmarine
1/3/1 for 3.  Gains a hammer for every enemy unit at the planet.  Not setting my world on fire. 2/5
Raven Guard Speeder
Raven Guard Speeder.
4 resources for 3/3/2  And it flys!!  (worth noting Land Speeders cannot really fly at all.  They hover. Minor Fluff Niggle)  It's ok.  The problem with Marines is you end with a hand full of 4+ drops and it gets difficult to play enough units. 3/5
For 1 Resource you get to prevent all damage done to a space marine unit.  Sign me up!  Also has a shield for some reason.  Why would you EVER play this as a shield? 5/5
For 3 resources you get to blow up everyone on a planet, but not the first planet.  Sounds good right?  There are issues.  You can only play this at a non first planet in the deploy phase so that's before the massive army of doom comes from HQ with the warlord.  By all means though, if they have left that army on the third or so planet, blow it up next turn and laugh.  If this could effect the first planet it would be amazing.  But as it is.  By all means you have to play around the threat of it though.  So there's that.  Your opponent cannot mass units on any planet but the first ever. 3/5
Godwyn Pattern Bolter
Godwyn Pattern Bolter
Attachment gives you 1Hp and 1 Atk for 1 resource.  And the unit ignores flying on enemy units (Why?).  Solid.  Makes Deathwing much Scarier. 5/5
Fortress Monastery
Once per turn discount on a space marine unit.  I would always take one in a deck.  It's unique, so I would be wary of putting more than one in. Any more you draw are dead cards. 3/5
Holy Sepulchre
Holy Sepulchre.
After a Space Marine unit dies,  Exhaust this support to put it back into your hand.  Very annoying.  Does mean you have to play for that super expensive marine again.  But still. 4/5

All in all, Space Marine units have an issue with costs.  All there units are pretty good.  They just don't have enough low cost units to win command struggles AND battles. And if you can't win command you are not going to get the resources to play your cool dudes.  You can ally with Guard or Tau though, and both have access to cheap hammers.  So yay.

1 comment:

  1. From what I can gather from reviews and the FFG forums, the factions work in one of two ways. They are either designed to start by gathering resources even if it means they are behind on capturing planets, or they ignore resource gain for just slamming into the first planet and winning by combat. Space Marines certainly appear to be the latter of the two.
