Part 1 is the warlords.
Old One Eye
He is a beat stick pure and simple. His sig squad just rewards you for being in fights. However he does only have 6 hp and can only heal once per turn. Tread carefully. A bloodied old one eye is useless and so is much of his sig squad.
Lurking Hormagaunt.
A 3 attack unit is pretty powerful. And they realistically have 3 hp as long as your warlord can take the hits. He doesn't even need to be present, but i would be careful if old one eye has no way to heal that turn. Their ability also means you can use two shield cards against an attack. Both current chaos warlords will make this guy cry unfortunately. 4/5
Awakening Cavern
Too expensive but an on demand readying effect is extremely powerful if you ever get the chance to put it on play. 3/5
Ferocious strength.
Old one eye has the potential to be an 8 attack warlord for 2 attacks with the support and attachment out. Think about that. Can also effect synapses who have healthy hp values to benefit from. 5/5
Great scything Talons.
Two things about this card. 1 it helps old one eye tremendously in his attacking role. 2 the reaction does nothing for a bloodied old one eye. 3/5
The Swarmlord
A swing and a miss in terms of fluff the Swarmlord vomits out termagants. And that's about it. A Swarmlord deck basically builds itself - you put in all the hive mind units. I think he's a lot like Aun'shi, either you get all your moving parts and you win or you don't and it's a landslide loss.
Brood warriors
A standard stat line and a very good hive mind ability translate to a unit you are always happy to see. You are going to have a lot of termagants which equals a lot of command icons. 5/5
Leviathan hive ship
If you get this out early you make a hard choice for your opponent. Do they kill your easily replaced termagants or do they go for the hive mind units knowing you can save them? They even come right back into the battle to keep the buffed termagants fun times going. 3/5 because of the cost.
Indescribable Horror
Archons terror for nids. You will more than likely have a fair few nids out at any battle it would have an effect otherwise I would say your plan has gone astray anyway and a rout is not going to save you. 5/5
Bone Sabres
Blah blah more termagants. The +1 atk is nice though. 4/5
Synapse units
Synapse is one of the more interesting additions to the game. They are elite units who commit like warlords and have fairly powerful effects. They also start in play which greatly offsets the 6/6 start the tyranids have. This mechanic is also why every tyranid deck should consider th3 core set event fall back as they are elites.
Savage Warrior Prime
An interesting card. It can't go the the same planet as your warlord but it does start a battle like a warlord. That brings it's own benefits but the real prize is battle abilities. Whilst you can snipe capping units with him he doesn't do anything in command struggles so they will still win command that turn.
Blazing Zoanthrope
Pre combat damage unit. 1 damage is fine, 2 if the planet is infested (a new mechanic I may remember to over later when discussing other cards.) I think he is a solid choice if going for an infest theme otherwise weak sauce.
Gravid Tervigon.
Seems like a trap. If you are playing Swarmlord do you really need more tokens? The 0 attack is my biggest issue. I suppose an ol one eye token swarm deck might need to run it.
Stalking Lictor
The simplest synapse. It has two command icons. Simply put him where he will net you the most beneficial resources.
Venomthrope Polluter
I like this guy. He offers a wealth of strategy. You can move a unit you would rather not risk in a fight, or move a unit into a fight you didn't want to risk your warlord. Or just move a big unit out of the first planet so he is ready for next turn. Very cool.
And that's my first impressions review of the warlords and synapses.
I haven't rated the synapses as I really can't without using them first seeing as they are such a new thing.
For what it's worth the first Nid deck I built is Old One Eye. Swarmlord just seems kinda boring.
I'm hoping to pick up my set soon. Really need to get some more Conquest played.
ReplyDeleteDon't we all
DeleteAfter having played a couple games with and against, I'm much more of a fan of Swarmlord over Old One Eye. OOE seems to have a much harder time getting going than the swarm deck.