Saturday, 25 February 2012


My army has a lot of guns. People seem terrified of this. And they cry out for more cover on the table.

Fun fact I have hardly killed anything with my tanks. Only games which I did any damge were v Dan (Who sat in the open) and Aven (who I mostly killed with plasma guns from the standard guys)

Unfortuantly this fear of guns is working totally against me.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


So necrons.

Flicked through the codex, it's god awful. Turn off number one
Model range is a bit meh. Some of them look good, but you see a necron army and everything looks the same, meh.
BoL's battle report this week has necrons and barley managed to get through, was complelety non interesting to me.

Their are armies that do nothing for me, but none as badly as the current iteration of Necrons, and I loved the old ones.
Wonder if I can get away with not every playing v necrons ever again and having them totally not part of my 40k universe.

Friday, 17 February 2012

update 2

Yeah I beat Aven, but not going to make a big deal. Aven was declared the winner and so be it, he has chance of topping the table, I do not. I know I won and thats enough for me.

My army was a pretty good counter to Aven's Dark eldar. Aside from 7 or so dark lances and haywire grenades, he could do nothing to my tanks. Helped that the dark lances failed just 90% of their shots Although as usual the silly fragility of vehicles was on display as pretty much everything spent the game shaken, and just about everything lost it's turret.
Leman russ Kill tally, one flyer, one of my own chimeras, awesome.

Not a fan of Annihilation. Stand and shoot, a tad boring, but then thats guard I guess.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


loss, but it was planetstrike so cba with it

Loss, but think it may have actually been a draw thinking back, but cba to argue it. Was just a bad call to tally what was left I think. but meh.

Deffo lost 7

2 squads of I know not.
2 squads of jetbikes

And I think his HQ was in one of the I know nots, so 7. And I beleive I killed a wyches unit. But not really knowing the army or his list, can't really say and it's all cloudy.

Tired now. Tired but obsessing and can't sleep. Would be easier if I could see Aven's list. Put my mind at rest. And I really do have better(worse?) things to worry about

Thursday, 9 February 2012


A win. Lost 1 chimera, a hellhound and some turrets.

What can I say, mission suited me so very well. Got to put 6 melta guns right on top of the far objectives. And had open shots to most of the battle. Hellhounds have been useless throughout, ho hum.

For Dan's part, he was in a foul mood most of the game. Dark Lances were extremely inaffectual. Either not hitting or rolling 3 for pen. Highlight was when his lord through a big template of doom of some sort, missing and blowing up one of own squads, Though I did not make much of it. Would of prob made his temper worse. At the end he handed me the win turn 4 and stormed of out :(

Friday, 3 February 2012

Guard vs cover and 2 multi meltas

Pretty much all that happened.

The sisters never moved, not once, and why would they, a plethora of 3+ cover for them. And the two multi meltas, and an exorcist pretty much got one kill point a turn. Was on average putting 15 or so wounds on the two big sisters units every single turn, and over half of them survived the battle. Admittedly I should of prob stayed back and fired, but wanted to get as many shots as I could as I knew things weren't going to die.

Lost 7-3, did kill Saint Celestine, moral victory.