Wednesday, 22 February 2012


So necrons.

Flicked through the codex, it's god awful. Turn off number one
Model range is a bit meh. Some of them look good, but you see a necron army and everything looks the same, meh.
BoL's battle report this week has necrons and barley managed to get through, was complelety non interesting to me.

Their are armies that do nothing for me, but none as badly as the current iteration of Necrons, and I loved the old ones.
Wonder if I can get away with not every playing v necrons ever again and having them totally not part of my 40k universe.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I am not a fan of the background re-write. Wasn't necessary in my opinion.

    They needed new units so i can't argue on what new toys they got but again it doesn't fit the previously established back story.
