Thursday, 8 March 2012

Vs Grey Knights

Was a draw, knew it would be that or a loss.

Singular objective basically meant I would have to kill every single Grey Knight pretty much to get a win. But on the other hand, all was needed by either side was to get one unit in the ruin and was a draw.

Won the roll of and was faced with a hard choice, wanted to go second, but only one quarter offered LoS into the ruins so had to pick my deployment zone. From there just shot as best I could. hellhounds were useless. Only targets in the table turn one was the stormraven and a vindicare. Vindicare didn't stand much chance.
Immobilsied and dropped the multi melta from the stormraven turn two, a nice result. Other highlights include throwing plasma at terminators, always feels good.
Turn 6 I just drove a tank into the ruin, and was able to get a squad in there as well. Another silliness of the rules, move 12", Disembark, then ran 6". 18" of movement from a guardsman. Simon could of of maybe dislodged everybody but couldn't in the end. And it was a draw.

Simon seemed very worried about my tank line, and as it turns out, Grey Knights really have limited options versus AV. Was rather shocked. Only lost 4 vehicles in the end.


  1. I am surprised to be honest. I figured the game should have been a relatively easy win for you. The amount of tank based big guns should have decimated his GK. But a draw isn't bad against Simon.

    1. I did kill a lot.
      Worth noting the terminators were on a balcony in the ruin completly out of los to my army. They could of stayed there, and forced the draw. But they didn't, and they paid for it. Kudos to the bravery.
      Decimation was never going to happen though. Near enough everything spent 4 of the 6 turns in reserve, a good situation for them, helped put by my officer of the fleet giving them -1 to reserve rolls. The larger squad spent 4 turns in the stormraven. Had I actually managed to kill the transport, things mave been different, but I all I managed was immobilised and weapon destroyed. Would of removed the teleport homer and exposed the squad inside. I never had a chance to shoot them. They jumped out turn 5 and ran into the ruin to score. My turn 6 I had to run my units inside immunising that squad to most of weapons as I couldn't actually place a blast marker in the tight space. I could have gambled and blasted everything at them, but if one had survived, it was a loss of the game...

      End of game, there was only the guys from the stormraven (untouched), and 4 or 5 guys from the other squads left alive, plus the grounded stormraven. So yeah I did kill a lot.

      But hiding from guns is easy to do, doubly so when all you've got to do is stay alive until the game end and then be on the right place. It's how jetbikes make a living after all.
      As I stated in the post, it was almost guaranteed a draw, except if either side was annialated. If anything I thought Simon had the advantage. Everything was going to be in the center of the field. to win I would have to put something in the ruin at the mercy of the grey knights. As it happened my last move was to move a tank 12", meaning was only hit on 6's. If it hadn't of been for that, it would of been torn apart.

      But alas. There were a great many could have beens.
      I could go on but I will stop here.

      Fun fact, I have a tank shocked a lot of units not one has failed the morale check.

  2. If it helps I am really not expecting to do well against your list. I don't think my Salamanders have ever beaten the Imperial Guard.

  3. We shall grind you beneath our Iron Tracks!!
