Friday, 31 August 2012

And tonights outcome

If there's one thing you can say about the Grey Knight codex, it probably has better shooting than any other book.  Maybe not better guns in some cases, but still.

Anyway I had an infantry platoon with 3 squads with autocannons, 3 lascannons, platooon command with flamers.  Creed with medi pack, astropath, Officer of the fleet and snipers.  5 stormtroopers.  Marbo, Veteran squad with plasma.  Veterans with melta.  Valkyrie, Leman russ with heavy bolters, Leman Russ Demolisher with Multi Meltas.  leman Russ executioner with Plasma sponsons.  And an aegis line with quad gun,

Against a bunch of henchmen with MONKEYS!!  Some highlights of the monkey madness, one of the unit had 48" range heavy bolters, and Coteaz had a psychic power that meant i got no cover save from them :(  oh and we both had aegis line

We were playing The Emperors Will with hammer and anvil deployment.  My objective was sabotaged which I completely forgot about after turn one.  Richards was +1 cover saves, which on a bolstered ruin, meant that anyone holding it had a 2+ cover save.

Turn one I did seize the initiative, but Coteaz stopped that forcing me to reroll.  The inquisition Land Raider moved up 12" and the flat out a further 6" right in front of my lines.  A variety of shooting bounced of the aegis line.  for my part, I took a hull point from the land raider and not a lot else.  Again the Aegis line absorbing a lot of fire.  The two

Turn two no reserves arrived for the inquisition.  The deathcult assassins disembarked from the land raider and tore into the squad manning the quad gun.  I had my Kasrkins, Marbo arrive and my platoon command was outflanking thanks to Creed also showed up.  Kasrkins teleported next to the Land Raider and reduced it to mere debris,  too late to save my lines though.  Marbo showed up in the ruin that had been bolstered by a techmarine.  The command squad showed up next to Coteaz's unit, intending to flame them to death.  Unfortunately I did not realise that Coteaz's unit would get a free shot against these units.   Marbo lost a wound, and the chimera was blown up. (FIRST BLOOD!)  The command squad within pinned.  Marbos demo charge did nothing to the squad in the ruin thanks a 2+ cover.

Turn three saw the calidus show up and reduce half my infantry platoon's brains into goo with the neural shredder.  Lost my executioner to the deathcult, and the demolisher was destroyed by the stormraven. Also lost a lascannon team.  Marbo was denied his cover save by psychic trickery and died.  3 of the command squad died the survivors fleeing, never making it of the board, but they would be taking no further part in the battle. I also lost the battlecannon from my Leman Russ.  On my turn however I was able to kill the deathcult assassins with whats was left of my infantry platoon, and Creeds command squad finished of the calidus.  Finally a Lascannon from my Leman Russ finished of a techmarine hovering in my lines. My Valkyrie showed up, the veterans inside and the transport unable to affect the stormraven.

Turn Four the occupants of the StormRaven disembarked.  The Arco Flaggelents going for my melta Vets, and the dreadnought making a move for my kasrkin loitering in the midfield.  The valkyrie was shot out the sky by the stormraven, the machine spirt bringing it's bolters to bear on my command squad felling Creed (WARLORD!)  And the Arco Flaggelents made short work of the veterans, they did manage to kill a couple though.  Bastonne survived combat, but broke and ran, and was cut down.  A henchmen unit of psykers tried to fry the sole survivor of the command squad, the astropath.  However they rolled double 1, the entire unit wiped out by the predations of the warp.  to add insult the astropath made his deny the witch.   I also lost my final leman russ to the crack shooting of the vindicare.

Turn Five  The flaggalents did not make into combat.  I lost some more guardsman to inquistorial heavy bolters.  The dreadnought failed to charge the kasrkin, it did fell 2 of them with assault cannon fire however.   The vindicare with a lack of targets gunned down one of the fleeing flamer guys. The meagre remaons of my army consolidated towards the objective.  The remaining kasrkins failed to penetrate the dreadnought, and a heroic charge resulted in a dead kasrkin, and me failing to scratch it's armoured sarcophagus with a krak grenade.  The survivor turned to flee and was slaughtered by the mighty machine.

And with that the game ended.
We each had our own objectives.  However Richard had First blood, Slay the Warlord and a unit in my deployment zone.  Final Score 6-3

Man of the match.  Aegis Defence Lines :D

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