Wednesday, 22 August 2012

woe is me

I much prefer fantasy to the current iteration of 40k.

In terms of the background for them, i'd say It's even.  I like them both.   The grimdark of 40k is interesting, but the fantasy realm just works by itself.  Although they do seem to be trying to turn that into grimdark as well, which I would rather they wouldn't.  the galaxy is a big place, and it's fine that everythings going to shit.  But the warhammer world is much smaller.  Can't have the entire world be deadly, how can anyone ever survive.

but back to the point of this post, I wish i could play morwe fantasy games, but only really have ~1200 viable points, and I would much rather play bigger games.  hence I'm mostly playing 40k.  Although hopefully when everyones got to grips with 6th, can convince people to play 5th, or even 4th.  4th being better than 5th imo.


But yeah, would rather being playing fantasy :(  Need monies!!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't mind playing 4th or 5th, as long as you don't mind me using the codices from that edition too- I miss traits and Doctrines :(
