Jumping right in with the Warlord and his Signature Squad
2/7 and gives your guys Brutal at his planet. Amazingly strong and enough HP to stick around in battles where he needs to be. Probably unfair giving warlords ratings as there isn't any options at the mo. But 5/5 anyway.
Nazdreg's Flash Gitz
2/4/1 for 3 and have a nifty action, do one damage to them to ready. Turns on Brutal. Only once per phase otherwise they would be brokenly good. 4/5
Kraktoof Hall
Move one damage from one unit to another. Use it to turn on brutal on one of your guys. Save a near dead unit. Kill of one of their guys. Very useful. 5/5
Bigga is Betta
Reduce an ork units cost by 2 but it comes in with a damage. Amazing for anyone who benefits for being damaged, Bad docs, enraged orks, Killa Kans, or anyone really. 5/5
Cybork Body
Double a units HP. Also has 3 shields. Combos so well with Brutal it's pretty sick. 5/5
Loyal Units
Goff Nob.
No hammers, but 6/6 for 5. Really is the very image of an ork. Just wants to kill things. Benefits immensely from the warlord ability. Almost a built in land Raider effect as anything that can shut a unit down will prob go against this one. 5/5
Weirdboy Maniak
2/4/1 and he does 1 damage to everyone else at his planet when he enters play. Brutal against anyone who has massed somewhere. And the downside of him hitting your own guys isn't quite such a downside with orks as a lot of your units benefit from being damaged. 4/5
Rugged Killa Kans
2/5/2 with Brutal for 4. Winner!! 5/5
Enraged Ork
Pros. Costs 2, has 5 hp. Has Brutal. 1 hammer
Cons 0 Attack.
I'm not a fan. With Bigga is Betta they are a free 1/5/1. Something to be said for that. Will probably go from useless to dead before you see a benefit though. 2/5
Makes units you deploy at his planet cheaper. Only 3 hp, so fairly fragile for an Ork His ability is solid gold though. Makes it so swarming with Orks is easier. 4/5
Battle Cry
All your Orks at a planet get +2Atk until the end of the battle. Why isn't called Waaaagh!!?/5
And the rest
Sniveling Grot.
1/1/0 for zero. Utter Crap. 1/5
Tankbusta Bommaz
3/4/2 for 4. Solid stats and does double damage to vehicles. A lot of vehicles are flat out scary. So definitely worth bringing along. 4/5
Bad Dok
1/4/1 for 2 is a good deal. But if is damaged he has 4 hammers. Best target for Bigga is Betta by far.
Fragile but all enemy at his location loses flying. Another utility Ork. Worth bringing just because flyers are a pain in the arse. 4/5
Goff Boyz
0/2/0 for 1. But get +3Atk at the first planet. So they should probably be there. Will probably be killed first in any first planet battle. A 3/2 unit is a massive threat. 3/5
Shoota Mob
2/1/1 for 1. Cheap and cheerful. 3/5
Burna Boyz
5 attack!! And they do splash damage when they attack. Highly amusing with the Chaos Warlord. 4/5 As he will it make it so they do 6 damage to their target and 2 damage to another. Thats a lot of damage.
Snotling Attack
4 snotlings for 2 resources. A good deal Snotlings are just little 1/1. 4 of them can be a threat. Watch out for aoe
Squig Bombin'
Blow up a support for 2 resources. Every faction probably wishes they could get this card. The Signature squad supports are especially good to get rid off as they are all amazing. And they only ever have one. So blow it up and it's gone for good. 5/5
Rokkit Launcha
Gives a unit ranged. Ranged is amazing. Goff Nobs with Ranged are flat out broken. 5/5
Ork Kannon
Does 1 damage to each side at a planet. Weakens their guys, makes your guys better. Can also bombs planets with rogue traders/void pirates to kill them off. Or any of the low hp command struggle orientated units. 4/5
Bigtoof Banna
Makes 1 ork unit a turn cheaper. Limited etc etc. 3/5
Tellyporta Pad.
Exhaust to move an ork to the first planet. Orks love to be in the fight. And this puts them there. I think this card is great. Use your hammers to win resources and then use them to win fights 5/5
Orks have the HP and the ATK to go far. Are fairly cheap for what they bring. All my games with Orks have been won by just throwing units at the first planet every turn. Very hard to kill them all AND survive their return attacks. Be very wary of doom though. A very a strong faction at the moment.
Orks seem to be an odd one. By looks of them they should have the ability to overrun most opponents but then rarely seem to manage it in actual play.