And I haven't played conquest for 2 weeks so take this with a grain of salt.
Eldorath Starbane
Quintessential Eldar unit, being as he is annoying as hell. He exhausts a unit when goes to a planet. One of those nifty abilities that means you don't have to stick around for any benefit either, so his risk of being bloodied are quite low.
Starbane's Council
3/3/1 for 1 is nifty, and if they attack an exhausted unit they get +2 ATK. Every time I've played, these guys get punched in the face so much, and with good reason. 5ATK is a lot. 5/5
Alaitoc Shrine
Ready a unit after it moves to a planet. Obviously the drawback of arriving exhausted from HQ is a major drag. But readying your most dangerous unit = bad times for your opponent. It's very good, but i;m not majorly disappointed if I never see it in a game. 3/5
The uses for this are so very numerous. Enemy warlord has 1hp and is trying to run away? Hunt him down!! Teleported your warlord to the wrong planet and facing certain death? Run away! Just want to be really annoying? Exhaust two of their units!! 5/5
Mobility is a nifty ability. And sure giving a survivalist mobility will give you opponent headaches. It has 3 shields though, and I think they are a much better use of the card. 2/5
Overall, Eldoraths signature squad is pretty middling. He is amazing though, so it really doesn't matter.
Loyal Units.
Biel-Tan Guardians
1/1/2 Amazing value for 1 resource. 3 off in every Eldar Deck tbh 5/5
Wailing Wraithfighter
6 cost is a hefty tax. But it flies, and makes your opponent discard a card. Once the Eldar get more discard elements to form the basis of a deck this will be much more important. As it is, you get an ok unit with nifty effect. 3/5
Iyanden Wraithguard
4 atk with Armorbane. That's gonna ruin anyones day. Kinda amsuing that in 40k, wraithguard are a pain in the neck to kill, and in the card game they fall over in a stiff breeze. But hey, they WILL take something out before they go. 5/5
Swordwind Farseer
Tutor up a card from the top 6 of your deck. Not so important for Edlar since they are so good at dominating command struggles for draw anyway. Sometimes you end up putting all your best cards on the bottom of the deck, and sometimes you get just the thing you needed. 2/5
Spiritseer Erathal
The Eldar unit has the standard 3/3/2 body for 3. After he attacks he heals someone. Not as amazing as you may think, but healing is always good. 3/5
Gift of Isha.
After they kill your wraithguard, put them right back into combat. And laugh manically. it doesn't have to be wraithguard, but honestly they are the best target for it. Sadly only gets you the top most unit in your discard. But they may well be wraithguard most of the time, since they get picked on a lot. Or Starbanes council, also a good choice. 5/5
Craftworld Gate
Another of those really annoying eldar tricks. Exhaust this to return an army unit to your hand. Shenanigans ahoy. If you really need your doom can bounce your farseer to get a second shot at his enters play reaction as well. 4/5
And the rest
Altansar Rangers
Very good unit, 2/2/2 and ranged. Often seen in tau armies :D 4/5
Eldar Survivalist.
has no attack, but if you win a command struggle at their planet, get a bonus card and a resource. Huge huge unit. Put them at planet 5 to keep them safe, although expect a warlod to commit to that planet just to stop you getting the bonus and kill them, they are that good. 5/5
Wildrider Squadron
Have a sort of improved mobility. Excellent hit and run ability. 5/5
Soaring Falcon
Sort of like an expensive Tau Trailblazer. But with a crap ton of HP. (5) Solid unit. 4/5
Shrouded Harlequin
When they die, they exhaust something, I'm not a fan of on death abilities, not to mention an opponent can just play around it, by killing this unit last. 1/5
Silvered Blade Avengers
1 atk doesn't matter a damn when whatever they attack becomes exhausted anyway. have fun keeping leman russes, Dreadnaughts, helldrakes or whatever from EVER hitting you. 5/5
Biel-Tan Warp Spiders
After they attack, you can look at the the top two cards of a deck and discard one of them. 99% of the time, you will look at your opponents deck just for the chance to discard something important. 3/5
take someones hammer sway from them. I get that it's a very Eldar thing to do, but Eldar are already pretty good at command struggles, so they are the faction least in need of this card. 2/5
40k Counterspell. You have to exhaust a unique unit to use it though, so could be trap and get your warlord killed before he gets chance to run away after using it. But obviously this could totally change a game. 5/5
Takes some setting up, but killing everything at HQ is immensely satisfying. 4/5
Banshee Power Sword
Amusing that there are no Banshees or Autarchs to give it to yet. But anyway +1 atk, and can get extra attack against non warlords by discarding cards. If you could snipe warlords with this, it would be amazing. As it is, it's of extremely limited usage. 2/5
Corsair Trading Post
blah blah blah 3/5
Eldar are tricky faction. Their play style is basically building up resources, and only going for the planets that matter. A good Eldar will not get into unfavourable battles. And if you don't play smart, your warlord will get killed by their substantial firepower. They are fragile though, kill their command units, keep their numbers low and you can easily come out on top. My favourite faction at the moment. They are firmly in the middle of the ranged party of the alliance wheel. Both DE and Tau can bring Ranged to ally with. Tau also have the best Command Struggle units. DE have more tricks to bring the party though. Pick your allies depending how miserable you want your opponent to be :D
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