Saturday, 3 January 2015

40k Conquest Deck ideas

So played some Conquest today.  Had to go all the way to London for it, but hey,  Them the breaks.

Had a Dark Eldar deck built...and it was shit.  So moving on.  In a bit of downtime threw together (almost literally) a Space Marine deck, and a Chaos one as well.

Space Marines went something like this

Captain Cato ( I refuse to jump on the OMG NEW WARLORD bandwagon.  Cato is still a boss)

Units (32)
Sicarius Chosen x 4
10th Company Scout x 3
Eager Recruit x 3
Tactical Squad Cardinis x 2
Vash'ya Trailblazer x 3
Honored Librarian x 3
Blood Angel Veterans x 3
Veteran Brother Maxos x 2
Iron hands Techmarine x 1
Carnivore Pack x 2
Daring Assault Squad x 2
Deathwing Guard x 2
Void Pirate x 2

Supports (4)
Cato's Stronghold x 1
Holy Sepulchre x 2
Fortress Monastery x 1

Events (9)
Indomitable x 3
The Fury of Sicarius x 2
Drop Pod Assault x 3
Exterminatus x 1

Attachments (5)
Promotion x 2
Godwyn Pattern Bolter x 2
Tallassarian Tempest Blade x 1

Was just able to keep pressure on just about everything.  A bit light on shields.  Tempted to swap the Bolters for Iron Halos for warlod protection.  Carnivore pack is supreisingly useful.  Assuming I could keep Sicarius alive, I was able to generate an ungoldy amount of resources.  I have a new found respect for the techmarine.  I have now altered this thusly, although this may be too much command focus
-2 Carnivore Pack
-1 Godwyn Pattern Bolter
-1 Eager Recruit
+1 Ultramarines Dreadnaught
+1 Iron Halo
+1 Land Raider
+1 Iron Hands Techmarine



Units (30)
Heretek Inventor x 3
Splintered Path Acolyte x 3
Chaos Fanatics x 2
Zarathur's Flamers x 4
Umbral Preacher x 1
Khorne Berzerker x 3
Xavaes Spilt-Tongue x 2
Burna Boyz x 2
Deathskull Lootas x 2
Virulent Plague Squad x 1
Possessed x 2
Vicious Bloodletter x 2
Soul Grinder x 2
Black Legion Heldrake x 1

Supports (7)
Murder Cogitator x 2
Fortress of Madness x 1
Shrine of Warpflame x 1
Ork Kannon x 3

Events (10)
Promise of Glory x 3
Infernal Gateway x 2
Warpstorm x 3
Squig Bombin' x 1
Tzeentch's Firestorm x 1

Attachments (3)
Mark of Chaos x 1
Dire Mutation x 1
Rokkit Launcha x 1

LET THE GALAXY BURN!!  I don't think this is a 'good' deck.  BUT, Chaos does bring the pain.  My first outing with it, I had two warpstorms in my opening hand.  I was just left to sit back and play out a coupel of units to win the odd resource from command struggle.  I then proceeded to absolutelty decimate my Guard opponent's army (including a Leman Russ, A Hellhound and 2 of strackens command squad) and bloody the warlord with two firestorms, two Ork Kannons and Zarathu's flamers with Rokkit Launcha all for the lowly cost of my hand, 4 damage on my warlord, and one deathskull loota.  Was a bargain.

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