Ku'gath Plaguefather
This rather corpulent fellow comes with the nifty ability of moving damage from himself to another unit whenever he attacks. Two things that make it great..healing is cool, and you cannot shield moved damage. Will die to a dedicated warlord snipe, but he makes it almost impossible to just needle him to death. Warlord/5
Ku'Gaths Nurglings
A standard 2/2/1. Whenever someone moves to their planet, they do a damage. Has the best effect against mobile of course. But also can bring the pain if your opponent has a massive army coming in with his warlord. 4/5
Vile Laboratory
Exhaust this to move a unit from a target planet to an adjacent planet. Your opponent gets to choose who, and where they go. A nuisance card, but has nifty synergy with the nurglings. 4/5
The Plaguefathers Banner
Duplicates Ku'Gaths reaction to any Nurgle unit. If attached to Ku'gath himself he gets to move 2 damage from himself when he attacks. That is pretty darn awesome. 5/5
Fetid Haze
Remove all damage from a Nurgle unit to make your opponent distribute it amongst his units. Just in case you actually come close to killing Ku'Gath he can just say 'no' 5/5
Morkai Rune Priest
Is a Space Wolf, so benefits from Ragnars support card. Aside from that he is fairly beefy and whenever a non space puppy retreats, he does them a damage. interesting way of forcing damage on Warlords that like to just run away all the time (Eldar/Tau etc) 4/5
Fenrisan Wolf
Give a unit, uber ranged. The unit basically attacks before absolutely everyone else. But you can't hit warlords or tokens. Works on Dreadnoughts, just saying. 4/5
Iron Guard Recruits
Not soldiers or warriors :( But they do have 2 hammers. They fill the same role as the Sanctioned Psyker, trading 2 hp for 1 atk. Probably better than the psyker all told. 4/5
Dozer Blade
Give a vehicle +2hp. IG vehicles need more attack honestly. But it's free, and 2hp is what it is. Valkyries also somehow benefit from this, which makes them so very awesome. 4/5
Inquisitorial Fortress
One shot rout a unit, as an action. So Archons Terror without the surprise factor. Archons is combat only, this you can use at whatever action window you please. Can be fished for with the Enginseer for what that worth. 5/5
Attack Squig Herd
4 resources for 4/6/0 is an efficient use of resources that's for sure. A beat your opponent round the head unit, Much like the Goff Nob - who is one resource more for 2 more attack. 4/5
Dakka Dakka Dakka
I love this card so much. If you ever intend to use it, basically precludes you from using Rogue Traders or Void Pirates. But 1 damage to EVERYBODY. Doesn't matter what they are doing, or where they are. Do have to exhaust your warlord though which makes me sad. 5/5
Kustom field Generator.
The worst thing about Nazdreg is he doesn't give himself Brutal. So more often than not you can just ignore his army, go for Nazdreg and get that annoying Brutal out of the way. This lets you prevent all damage dealt to a unit and redistribute amongst your units, saving your warlord and turning on Brutal. Lovely 5/5
Klaivex Warleader
4 cost to get a really good 3/3/2 unit with Ambush. If he does Ambush he can kill a damaged unit. Amazing little guy. 5/5
Blade Lotus Rifle
Gives a unit +1 atk, if they are Kabalite they get Ranged. there are Two Kabalite units at the moment. Sybarite Marksman and Kabalite Strike Force. The former already have Ranged and the latter will get you a cute ranged Area Affect 1. Not setting my world on fire. But will inevitably get better when he get more Kabalite units. 2/2
Soul Seizure.
5 cost event!! And needs tortures in the discard to get anything good. As with all the DE torture cards this cycle, this will get better as we get more Tortures. Urien Rakarth is going to love it when he appears in a few months. 3/5
Black Guardians
Eldar get cheap combat unit, and good for them. Nothing great, but cheap and with 2/4 stats. 3/5
Death From Above
1 resource for a mobile unit is great. the fact they appear at the fifth planet is no biggy since they can just mobile themselves to somewhere useful in 2-3 turns. 5/5
Dome of Crystal Seers
Fairly weak at the moment. Works with the Search planet (name eludes me), Swordwind Farseer and Earth Caste Technician. of course if you like either of those in your Eldar deck, looking through more cards increases the odds of getting what you want. 3/5
Bork'an Recruits
2/2/1 for 2 is the standard unit load out. These guys get +2atk when with a warlord. Can be either yours, or your opponents which makes them fairly heavy hitters. With an Ion Rifle they can one hit all the warlords currently available. 4.5/5
Kauyon Strike
Move any number of Ethereals. There is only one at the mo, but we are getting an Ethereal Warlord soon. Who comes with Ethereals Could be Huge. 1/5 now, potentially 5/5
Blacksun Filter
Get a resource when a warlord commits to attached units planet. Um ok. 2/5
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