Fourth pack in the Warlord cycle and I am well out of date with writing all this. but here goes. Again thanks to CardgamdDB for the images

Tyranid guy. Plus point ambush is a very very good ability. Having to jump through infestation hoops to do it is...less good. it's also not limited to units, can ambush anything with the genestealer trait (except supports, they don't go to planets) Rating him when released I would say he was iffy. Now that we have the entire cycle he is actually quite good (spoilers!!)

Below the ideal cost curve, a 2/3 for 3 is bad. The reaction is obviously 100% more valuable in the combat phase. And you can snipe any 1 cost command unit that can't be shielded which is nice.

All told it's forgettable. Paying 3 for a 1 time support, that is also 1 1 off in the deck is hard to swallow. The effect is game winning though. Make sure to make it count.

By far the best thing about Subject Omega. This is much better than Gorzods event. Though you are limited by cost, there is a much wider range of targets for this. plus the unit comes back form the discard, so will be 100% healthy. The units you can get are nearly all good. The worst is probably Sicarius chosen, but you still get the reaction which is cute.

Can ambush this exactly once which is frightening. Sadly cannot ambush it from the discard pile It's a more expensive slightly worse ion rifle. But it's an ion rifle that never goes away.

Big and scary elite etc etc. So what applies to every elite ever applies here. The unstoppable ability can generate very scary swings. Imagine a Mavros turn with three of these in hand and maybe tense negotiations +Y'varn. Play one to Y'varn, could trigger Mavros for a free dread, then tense negotiations for another free dread. Basing your game plan on that isn't a great plan though. Suffers from the same problems as all elites, which is sad. It can also have the Black Sword since that isn't wargear, go figure.

I assume you get to look at the planets that have been removed from the game when you play this, so you will know what any facedown planets yet to be revealed are when you play this. You could set up a win which is bonkers good. Suffers from the problem with ALL space marines events....Drop Pod and Indomitable are pretty much 3x staples forever. Do you have room for a 1 shield 2 cost event?

Lets look at the potential relics you can get with this. obviously the Black Sword (which is very good). Iron okay. And thats it. So basically you are using a card slot, to maybe ambush the Black Sword. You do get 1hp which is a nice bonus. Also can go onto your warlord. If you get 3 of these on a hale Mavros, thats +6hp to play with during the game. Which is nifty.

Gorzod loves this just for having a 1 cost 1/2/2. Worr probably already has too much in the 'need green planets' basket. No one else cares.

The gun that (almost) never goes away. +1/+1 is pretty nice. And it's not lost card advantage if the unit dies. I like it.

Orks need resources, and this has resources. But really, who is going to let you have those 2 resources? It it only a 1/2 it will be sniped, but that could be a play in and of itself.

This lets you attack with two units in a row. Could be huge, probably won't be.

Now this is amusing. Orks are not so hot at command, so why not just let your opponent have all the cards and punish them for it? Orks have all the really good supports. 3 is a significant cost though.

Chaos daemons are big and scary, if only because chaos can sac cultists to pay for them. Making them EVEN cheaper is a very good thing. If you regularly sacrifice things for daemons, this a noteworthy include. This + 2 promise of glory is a free* Helldrake.
*It's not, there's opportunity cost, but still.

Turns out teleporters are much better when they are corrupted. Can move much bigger scarier things, and they can go anywhere rather than just adjacent.

It's a good combat unit, the readying effect just hasn't happened for me though in testing Gaining resources works like you except it to. Whenever and for whatever reason the number of resources you have increases, you gained resources. So this stands if you win command at a planet with resources, Morns reaction, Raid, Gut and Pillage etc etc. The lack of a command icon really really hurts. But Morn is used to that with Kabalites.

It is a nuisance but the stats are weak though.

A reoccurring theme with DE this cycle is every card is amazing for Morn, less so for Kith and Urien. This is probably the one card Kith would like this cycle. Mo money, no problem.

One of the centre pieces in the new eldar vehicle decks floating around. The reaction is meh, but the stats are a good good thing.

The other centrepiece in the new eldar vehicles decks floating around. The old reducers are universally panned. thew ones whilst more limited offer a bigger discount, so you seeing the benefit much sooner. For instance. Played first turn and used every turn. 1 cost netted 0 turn one, gained 1 turn 2, 3 turn 3 etc etc. These net 0 turn one, gain 2 turn 2, gained 4 turn 3, 6 turn 4 etc etc The limitations are less an issue when you fill your decks with whatever you want to discount. The danger is using them to justify bad cards for instance, the horrid vectored vyper squad is still bad even if you paid 2 for it. You could of used that discount on a much better card.

Reasonable stats,and could be a beefy unit at later stages. See a lot of shadowun builds that go all in on Space Marine units, and Starblaze is prety hot on Guard units. So can see it both those decks.

Like having AoE2 but at action speed, and only relevant if you can exhaust things. Can go onto Vash'ya trailblazers in a pinch, but the chances of that trailblazer surviving until a sufficient number of units have been exhausted are slim. Really pretty tasty on units that can move into battles (ie eldar wildriders)
A really good pack in the grand scheme of things.
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