New Eldar warlord, bringing to the game 'yet another Stracken problem' Buffs for all your units is good, Having to be present in the fight is less good. Unless you have a way of not dieing that buff is going to go away quickly And Eldar just don't have that many ways of staying alive, outside the dire avenger exarch. Stracken is interesting at least because of his signature squad though. Lets see how this guy?/girl? fares. Very severly limited by the lack of good psykers in the gamer at present (there are 5 non sig psykers)

Dedent stats,and moving is a good thing. Sadly the movement is after you have attacked, opening them up to a counter atatck on your opponents combat turn. Also, if said pskyer is with Talyesin it can enable the +1 attack if not already active.

Not quite as good stats, but readying is a good thing indeed. And lets face it, during combat all those units are probably sitting in your hand doing nothing anyway. Obviously though if they get buffed by Talyesin, they are much better.

Nope. top 3 is a very small amount of cards. I guess if you are playing Talysin, you have packed your deck with warriors and psykers, but you are probably picking warrior since there just isn't that many psykers in the game.

Well if you were to rate cards by versatility, then this card is a solid 10/10....but we don't. That said, it's a free event, and moving and the +1atk (especially considering it's until end of phase) are both worth it.

Is there any army unit you would consider putting this on? probably not. maybe the uniques. Turning them into 4/5 atatck and 5hp when with talyesin is a very very good thing. Probably making your warlord 3/7 is a much better use though.

Maybe worth including in mavros for the BT synergy. But frankly not as good as the Chaos one at the same price point, and hes not that great either. Some might say hes better than void pirate, and maybe it is. but Void Pirates cost 1, thats 99% of the reason you take them. Without the card bonus, this is trash.

Hell of an expensive support and vulnerable to all the support hate, But Space Marines don't tend run many 4 cost cards, and anything 5 cost and up isn't eligible. So turn 1 for this is a net loss in all likelihood. Being a deploy action makes this a lot weaker. But if you consider if as a cost reducer, the savings can be huge is you get repeat use out of it.

Big scary tank. If it gets to keep attacking, it just gets bigger and bigger. I cant think of a reason not to include this in Gorzod. Also the spoiled Guard warlords from next cycle has a an event that can ready this unit for more pain. Ragnar can have a Leman Russ is his deck now. yay him.

Imperial Guard are all about supports. Ambushing one is great. Watch out though, it only counts army units. Your army of tokens do not count. Most supports are 2 cost, so meeting the requirement probably isn't that hard. Also a way to get more that one troop transport out a turn. And everyone knows how bonkers broken that card is.

Really good for that 1 game in 3 when you have 2 planets, and your 3rd winning is further along, and your opponent can't win before then. So you can just mass stuff there. Otherwise no, leave it at home.

Designed to make goes fasta work everytime. The problem with that is there are 3 goes fasta cards in the game, and one of them is signature, one of them is a decent elite. but thankfully the Rickety Warbuggy is really good. 5hp makes him Nazdreg friendly, and he may consider for the warbuggy. Gorzod may like a couple for his sig squad.

Good effect. Getting the damage on your units is the issue (just like the core set Bad Dok)

Holy crap it's big and scary and expensive. And there is very little anyone can do to it to stop it wrecking house. Imperial Guard have Markis and Suppressive Fire I suppose. Zarathur has a good chance of killing something pre combat to enable that juicy 8+ armorbane attack as first attack.,

Nifty for delaying a planet victory for your opponent, or bringing your victory condition closer. Attachments on the planet stay with the planet, as do infestation I beleive. Unsure about deep strike.

Resources are good I hear, 3 cost is not, but's a kabalite, so yay for Morn. But see below.

See that unit above? imagine have a couple of these out and you could move the slaver down the line just making ALL the money. Thats a dream scenario. and requires having a decent amount of red out. But maybe worth it in Morn, Netting command wins, but more importantly denying command wins for opponent.

Pretty good way of dealing with Honored Librarians. 2 shields is nice, as is 2 cost for the effect that can save for later.

So pseudo Morn discount in one package for Tau. Worth it? no.

Has the very niche use of getting command win on a contested planet where both warlords went. Ands thats it. Niche cards are rarely worth including.

I've beeen on the receiving end of these things, they can net Subject Omega a crap ton of resources. be wary. Worth including in any deck heavy on infest, and definitely put them in subject omega.

If your infest strategy didn't quite work out, this a pretty good backup plan to enable infest for ambush goodness in Subject Omega, especially when you only need one other genestealer present with Omega to trigeer,

Stats for money. Worth it every time. Even has two shields. so good.
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