Tuesday 10 July 2012


I have to laugh at the rants people have about editions. 

With 6th edition, GW have gone for a much more cinematic approach.  Whether it's mighty heroes slogging it out, or infantry having to advance over (what would be) their fallen comrades bodies.  It all paints a nice picture.

But this isn't a rant about 6th.  But plenty of people are doing just that..

And I wonder why the answer is, don't play it?  I certainly don't plan to.  It's not for me.  And it's the same for every game system out there.


  1. Everyone wants different things from different games. Take 40K. You love 2nd but to me it was utter dross. Some folks feel the same way about 5th.

    James raves about WarMachine but after one game I really knew it was not for me. I can say the same thing about many boardgames and card games.

    The trick is to find one that works for you and for as many others as possible.

  2. Also, with regards to the cinematic, a game can't be cinematic in the way GW are trying to suggest the game as gone. It's what is in the players imaginations that does that not how rules are written.
