Friday 7 September 2012

Ooh FAQ's

so things i took note of as it affects me.

Valkyries/Vendettas received the same clarification as the BA stormraven.  you can get out if you move over 6".  would of been nice if they added specifically if you could get out if zooming.  it then goes on in the rulebook faq that you you can use the rule to get out of a locked velocity flyer.  which only happens if zooming.  So by that we can infer that you can get out a zooming valkyrie/stormraven, hurray.

If you get out a shaken/stunned transport, you are still shaken in your next shooting phase, neat.

Leman Russ are Heavy vehicles.  All the ones with ordnance are worse than they were under 5th.  Everything else is unnaffected. Meh.

Also if your transport is destroyed, unless it was an assault vehicle, you cannot assault in your next assault phase.  So if I blow up your rhino with my melta squad, I'm safe from assault for a turn  thats nice.

An Aegis line has to be in one uninterupted line :(

Interestingly the Guard faq says the scout rule on the valkyrie has no effect...but what about outflanking? bad gw.  And they didn't remove scout from it.  This is super sloppy.

Also a change that hasn't affected me at all, paladins, nob squads and wolf guard units are no lomger characters!  But ones that are leading units are, as it should be.

Some other notes.

Mawlocs are not mega sharks.  they cannot burst out the ground and eat planes.

Banshee now have power swords.  At least axes made them a viable suicide unit vs 2+ armour.

Can shoot flying monsters down with markerlights, thats funny.

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